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All of a sudden, a cop walked up to a distraught Avery. "Are you Avery?" He asked gently.


"Can I talk to you? We just need a statement of what happened." She nodded.

"Ok. So just tell us what happened."

"We went over to Caleb's house because he was the boyfriend of my friend who was recently killed. I wanted to talk to some friends of hers to see if anyone knew who killed her, or if it was really an animal attack, and to relive some good memories. We were there and he thought we were accusing him. He freaked and hurt my husband and my husband's brother. He was about to attack me, so I defended myself. It was self defense I swear. Please don't arrest me. I was just trying to protect my family." She lied smoothly while also hoping they wouldn't arrest her.

"Calm down. We aren't arresting you. We believe you and know it was self defense. We just needed a statement. We're very sorry to bother you." He replied before walking off. She stayed there for hours before a nurse went and told her that Dean wanted to see her. She walked back in and he was looking at her with concern on his face.

"I saw the cops were here. Everything go ok?" He asked.

"Yeah. I gave them a logical answer. They aren't arresting me or anything. We're in the clear. How are you feeling?" She questioned. He didn't seem to be in as much pain.

"I'm feeling better than I was. I'm not in as much pain. How's Sam? How are you?"

"I'm hanging in there. I don't know how Sam is. I'm terrified to see him. I- I don't want him to die right in front of me." She replied as a couple more tears fell.

"Hey. It's ok. They said he's not gonna die. He'll be ok. I'm not saying you have to, but I think he'd like to know you were with him." Dean consoled. She nodded and went to Sam's room. She sat in a chair by his bed.

"Hey babe. I know you probably can't hear me, but I love you. You're really hurt but I'm here babe. I'm here. Dean's ok now too. Caleb is dead. I just need you to wake up. Please. I need you." She begged. Of course, nothing happened, but she stayed with him and held his hand. She went back to Dean after a while.

"Hey, you should go back to the hotel and get some rest. It's getting late and it's been a long day. I mean it." Dean insisted.

"Dean. I'd love to go sleep but I don't want to be alone. Please just let me stay at the hospital. I just don't want to leave you guys. When can you be released by the way?" She begged.

"I can't make you do anything, Avery. I just don't want you losing sleep over all of this. You need to rest. I can't be released until at least tomorrow, and that's assuming I'm not super weak still." He replied.

"Ok. Can I sleep in the chair in here or should I go sleep in a chair in the waiting room? Or Sam's room? I'm cool with whatever."

"First, go get yourself some food. Second, you can stay in here if you want and if they'll let you. Or if you want to be with Sam, stay in there. Either is fine with me." She nodded, got some food, then came back and fell asleep almost instantly. Dean was happy she was finally asleep. He knew she was more upset than she let on but didn't bombard her about it. She seemed to be peacefully asleep unlike Dean who couldn't seem to fall asleep at all. Suddenly, she started shaking with a panic attack. It wasn't as severe as it was several nights before, but he was scared for her. He couldn't get to her to calm her down since she was on the other side of the room. Sam couldn't help her and neither could he. He pushed the button on his bed for the nurse. She came in quickly.

"Help her. She gets panic attacks sometimes. She's worried about Sam. She just needs to be soothed until she calms down enough to wake up. I can't help her since I can't get out of bed without help."

"Ok sir. Please calm down." The nurse was trying to calm Avery down but wasn't being successful. She didn't know how to soothe her.

"Can you help me out of bed? Please? I know how to help her." The nurse nodded against her own judgement and helped him over to her. "Avery. Calm down. You gotta relax." He cooed. He lightly rubbed her back like he'd seen Sam do numerous times. He shook her gently and she finally woke up.

"Dean? Why are you out of bed?"

"I had the nurse help me." He said gesturing at her. "You were having another panic attack." Avery nodded. The nurse helped Dean back into his bed and left.

"I'm sorry." Avery spoke up.

"Don't be. I'm happy to help you." He stated genuinely.

"No. I'm sorry about the hunt. I should have let it go and not had us go after Caleb. I'm the reason you guys are hurt." She replied.

"Avery. It's not your fault. We would have gone after him eventually anyways. Listen. I know it's hard and you think everything is your fault but it's not. None of it is. I heard what he told you. He didn't kill her because our names were mentioned. You never did anything wrong. It's not your fault I'm hurt." Dean tried to console.

"Thanks. I'm gonna go be with Sam. Is that ok?" She asked sadly. She just wanted to go cry her eyes out with the man of her dreams.

"Of course." He replied unsure of anything he could say to help. She nodded and left.

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