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Dean laid in bed just thinking about how things ended and how he couldn't get over her. He knew things ended how they did for a good reason although that reason wasn't coming to him. He eventually fell asleep. He was woken up at about 3am by a knock on his door. He got up groggily and opened it. Audrey was standing there clearly upset.

"What's wrong?" He asked as gently as he could even though he was pissed he was up at 3am.

"I'm scared. I know you hate me and I'm sorry to wake you up, but I'm scared." She explained with tears flowing down her face.

"Come in." She walked into his room and he closed the door. He sat on the bed and sat with her on his lap. "Why are you scared?" He asked, trying to have compassion towards her but still wasn't sure how he really felt.

"I keep remembering what my mom told me before she sent me here and my room is creepy and I'm pretty sure you hate me even though Avery said you don't and I just don't want to end up on the street alone." She ranted. Tears continued to flow down her face. Dean gently wiped her tears away.

"I don't hate you. I'm just trying to process everything, ok? You're not gonna end up on the street. None of us are kicking you out. Will you tell me what your mom said?" He asked. She nodded.

"She said she can't be the mom I need. She says I remind her too much of you every time she talks to or sees me and she couldn't do it anymore. She can't deal with the memories of you but she knows you would never work out." Audrey explained softly hoping she wouldn't make Dean seem even scarier by making him mad.

"Ok. That explains a lot. I know the room is scary too. We'll try to work on that. Meanwhile, you need to get some sleep." Dean told her. He didn't know what to say to help her.

"But I can't sleep. I keep thinking about everything and then I wake up but I'm scared because of my room. The room is creepy and sleeping alone scares me." She reasoned.

"Ok. I tell you what. Tonight, you can sleep in here with me. Will that help? You won't be alone then. It'll be a bit of a tight fit, but it will work." Dean told her. His bed was only a twin after all.

"Can I?" She asked cautiously. "I don't want to cause a problem."

"Of course. Come on, kiddo." He climbed in then pulled the covers back so she could get in too. She snuggled close to him, her fear ever so slowly dissipating. He put a protective arm around her. "Shh. Shh. It's ok." He whispered as she lost some more tears and she was out in a flash.

She woke up in the morning still guarded by Dean. She was happy knowing he actually seemed to care about her. He woke up too and noticed her looking at him smiling.

"Morning, kiddo." He stated.

"Morning, uh, Dean." She hesitated, wondering what she should call him. "Can I call you daddy or should I call you Dean?" She asked cautiously.

"You can call me dad or daddy if you want." He told her with a slight chuckle. He started to think she really was adorable.

"Ok. So, daddy, can I ask you something?" She asked.

"Go ahead." He replied.

"Will you tell me why my mom left you?" She asked softly. "I get it if you won't. I'm just curious."

"I guess. Your mom and I were married for a while and really loved each other, but it didn't work out. We argued a lot and she was super jealous of Avery and thought I wanted to be with Avery. I do love Avery but I love her as a sister and a friend and your mom didn't understand that. She left and divorced me and that's how things ended." Dean stated sadly. He didn't like talking about it.

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