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They got up in the morning and walked into town. It was a small town and they wandered the streets just window shopping and walking around in the stores. They enjoyed their time together walking around all day, but Sam noticed that Avery seemed down the whole time. He didn't bring it up, but didn't let it escape his mind. They walked through the town all day and ended with sitting on a little bench in the park.

Sam intertwined his fingers with hers and sat there. They looked at the night sky and saw the moon and the stars in a perfect glowing formation. A slight layer of clouds covered the moon, but the light pierced it in a brilliant beam. The stars were all out and it was a pretty but chilly night. Sam noticed a shiver from Avery. He took off his jacket like a true gentleman and put it on her. She leaned into him and he gently kissed her forehead.

They say there for over an hour just looking at the brilliant night sky. "Can we go back to the hotel now? I'm getting sleepy. I love this night, but I'm tired." She asked after a while.

"Sure." Sam replied and they walked hand in hand the next 3 blocks to the hotel. They climbed straight into bed once they got there and just enjoyed the warm bed and each other's presence. "Avery, I don't want to ruin this weekend, but I really need to talk to you." He started with a sigh.

"What's wrong? You're really scaring me."

"Nothing is majorly wrong. Don't worry. I just want to know if you're ok. You've seemed off all day." He stated.

"I'm fine, Sam." She lied smoothly.

"Avery, I know you're not fine. I just want to know why you aren't. You can tell me anything." He urged. He knew she wasn't always one to bring up how she felt.

"Ok. I've seemed off because I've been wondering, Um, Do you, um, still love me?"

"Of course I do baby. Why wouldn't I? Why would you even think that?" He asked. He was kind of offended she would ask. He wondered what he had been doing wrong.

"Neither of us have said 'I love you' very much recently and I just I don't know-" she tried to explain but couldn't seem to finish. She clung tightly to Sam as tears threatened to fall.

"Avery, babe, it's ok. I don't know why we haven't been saying it much recently, maybe it's everything that's going on, but it doesn't mean I don't love you anymore. Nothing is going to change that, ok?" He consoled gently.

"Ok." She replied flatly.

"What else is wrong? If it's hard to talk about, it's ok if you cry. You know I won't judge you for it." He coaxed her into explaining.

"I just feel like a bad wife. This is the most I've talked to and spent time with you in a long long time. I don't tell you I love you nearly enough, and I'm just seriously neglecting this relationship." She explained with tears falling down her face. "I don't want to do that to you."

"I told you that I wasn't mad. You've been busy helping Dean over the years with Jen and you've been trying to be there for Tristan and now we have Audrey to deal with. I get it. I never once got mad at you for that. Why don't you believe me?" He questioned. He really wasn't mad at all.

"Because I feel like you're more upset than you're letting on. You don't need to be afraid to tell me how you feel or what you think, Sam. And I feel like you think I spend too much time with Dean and not enough time with you." She explained. A few tears fell down her cheek. Sam gently wiped them away before responding.

"Avery, I'm not hiding how I feel or what I think from you. I'm not upset in the slightest. I don't think you spend too much time with Dean. You've been helping him and looking out for him. He and I both appreciate that you're like a sister to him. You have not been neglecting our relationship. If I thought you were, I would have told you long before now. Why are you suddenly so afraid of neglecting me?" He asked, concerned. It wasn't like her to get upset about something like this. "You never used to act like this."

"Bec- because of Dean." She stated before crying slightly harder.

"What about Dean?" Sam asked.

"I'm terrified we're gonna end up like him and Jen. I'm scared you're gonna get mad and say something like Dean did and we're gonna split up and it's not gonna be fixable. Sam, you are the absolute greatest thing that's ever happened to me. You make me happy, you make me feel valued, you love me, you make me feel different than any other guy, you are there for me for anything, you care about me, you're an amazing father, and that's just to name a few. I can't lose that. I don't want to lose that. I can't, Sam. I just can't." She ranted out.

"Avery, honey. You aren't gonna lose me. Not that anything will happen, but if it did, we'd fix it. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. I'm not losing you. You're all of what you said and more. I love you more than you can imagine in your wildest dreams. You don't have to lose that because I'm not going anywhere. We won't end up like them. I promise." Sam replied. Suddenly, she felt a slight buzz in her pocket. When she pulled her phone out, she noticed she was in the middle of a call with Dean that had been going for the past 10 minutes. She instantly hung up.

"Sam, Dean just heard that whole conversation. I must have butt dialed him." Sam had a look of fear and concern on his face. Avery started texting Dean.

Dean, I'm sorry you heard all that. I wasn't meaning that as negative against you. I just don't want to get hurt in the same way. Please tell me you know that. He didn't reply.

"Sam, when we get back to the bunker, can..." She started.

"Yes, you can talk to him."

"That's not what I was asking. Can you talk to him?" She asked calmly.

"Why me?" Sam asked. Usually she was all for talking to Dean.

"He's gonna be pissed and I don't know that I can deal with the fact I just unintentionally hurt him more." She explained.

"I'll talk to him, but he'll probably want to talk to you." She nodded. "I have a question about the other stuff. Do I make you think I'm mad, or like I'm gonna kick you out, or like I think you're a bad wife? Cause if I have, I'm sorry."

"You haven't made me think you're mad or like you're gonna kick me out. I just thought you have every reason to be. Sorry." She replied sadly and apologetically.

"Don't be sorry. It's ok." There was a lengthy pause. "You totally ignored the other thing I said though. Do I really make you think you're a bad wife?"

"No. I just feel like I am. You are not the reason for any of this."

"Avery, you are not a bad wife. You are the greatest wife ever. I love you to death. You make me the happiest man in the world. The way I feel when I'm with you- there's no greater feeling in the world. I love you." He replied. She nodded and scooted close to him. They snuggled before falling asleep.

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