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"Sammy, you ok? You've seemed extra quiet lately. That's not like you. I know the hunt went well so there's gotta be something else." She inquired. He was quiet all day and that wasn't normal for him.

"I'm fine babe." He stated with a weird inflection before grabbing her wrist forcefully.

"What are you doing? What's wrong, Sam?" She asked as fear became present. He didn't reply but attacked her. "Sam, let go. Stop." He got a few punches in as she tried to get away. She had no idea what was going on. His fist repeatedly collided with her face and arms in painful bursts of violence. Her nightgown was ripped and she had some blood on her face and soon to be bruises on her arms and legs. He was too strong for her to slip out of his grasp. She did the only thing she could think of- punch him back. She punched him hard enough and in just the right spot that he passed out. He fell off the bed. She got herself out of bed and ran to Dean's room. She knocked on his door but felt bad she was waking him up.

"What? I'm sleeping." He hollered. "Go back to bed."

"Dean, open up. Please." She cried out. He opened the door and saw the bleeding and hurting Avery.

"Oh my gosh. What happened?"

"Can I just come in? Please, Dean." He nodded and let her in. "Of course." She sat on the edge of his bed. He ran to the bathroom and got a washcloth.

"So what happened?" He asked as he cleaned the blood.

"Whatever is in my room isn't Sam. A demon maybe?" She asked, unsure.

"I doubt it. With this bunker's Devil's traps, he'd have been trapped somewhere by now. I'm thinking shifter. I'll check it out in the morning. So tell me, did he just let you go?" Dean questioned. Letting the victim go wasn't an option for shifters.

"No. I punched him back and knocked him out. I panicked. I'm just cold and scared and in pain. I don't know what to do, Dean. Things have been going so well." She explained.

"I know it's scary. I'll check Sam out in the morning. The Tylenol should kick in soon so you should hurt less. Here, get under the covers. Your nightgown is pretty ripped. No wonder you're cold."

"Dean, take your bed. I'm not letting you sleep on the floor. Just give me a blanket. I'll be ok. I'm just scared Sam is gonna wake up and break in here." She told him with fear evident. She was terrified.

"It's ok. He's not gonna get in here. I'm ok with the floor. Take the bed. I'm serious." He insisted. She nodded. A tear fell down her face.

"Sorry." She stated sadly.

"Why are you apologizing? You know I don't mind if you cry." He was so curious. She didn't usually apologize so fast just for crying.

"It's not that. I know it's not Sam but I'm scared it is. What if in the morning we discover it really is Sam and he's just decided he can't deal with stuff? And I'm sorry I'm making you be up right now." She asked as if she really thought it could be Sam.

"Avery, it's not Sam. Sam wouldn't do this to you even if he was pissed. You could kill me and I still don't think he'd take it this far. I swear it's not him." He sat next to her and gently rubbed her shoulder. "It'll be ok. I swear. Just try to sleep." He consoled. She climbed into the bed and tried to sleep.

"I'm seriously sorry to wake you up and make you be without a bed. I would have just stuck it out but I just didn't know what to do." She added.

"It's ok. I'm glad you came here rather than staying with whatever he is. Seriously don't worry about it." She nodded. "If anything, I'm sorry I didn't check him before we got back."

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