"I was getting my lick back from last night, but it look like I should have left you along." I said holding my eye

"That's what you get from putting mustard on me." She said laughing

"Tre I'm showing my mom and your mom this. Lauren swing on you in this video." Zariah said laughing as her and Lauren started watching the video

"I don't care." I said knowing damn well I care

"Whatever." Zariah said leaving out the room

"Let me go and wash this mustard off my face." Lauren said going into the bathroom

"Hell let my ass go and check on my eye." I said to myself and walk out the guest room

I walk in our room and by past Zariah and went in the bathroom. I look in the mirror and had a bruise under my eye. That's what I get for fucking with people.

London pov
I haven't seen nun of my boos every since Zariah baby shower. I guess everybody growing up now. They have boyfriends and some babies. I guest it's about time I get pregnant. Sike, y'all thought. I already got a baby name Steven. He acts like a new born. I'm at his house chilling with him. But I'm fixing to get ready and got to the nail shop.

"Alright ugly I'm fixing to go." I said to Steven

"We're you fixing to go." He said being nosey

"The nail shop, do you want to pay and get them done for me." I said with pleading eyes

"Yea man with your long neck ass. Don't ask me for nothing else." He said pulling out his wallet and giving me 100 dollars

"So it's like that now. When you want some pussy I'm gone say nawl with you big ear ass." I said rolling my eyes at him

"Now you know I was just playing." He said pulling me close to him

"Whatever, but I'll be right back." I said getting my purse and keys

"Ight, bring me back something to eat." He said kissing me

"Ok." I said and walk out the door

I got in my car and pulled off. I didn't even much need that much money to get my nails did. He so slow. But hey I ain't complaining, more money in my pocket.

Zariah pov
After the little accident from this morning. Everybody don't took a bath and don't put some clothes on for today. Tre walking around here with a bruise under his eye. He lil ugly self shouldn't never been messed with his sister.

"Tre do you need some makeup for your eye." I said and Lauren and I stated laughing

"Haha funny, but Zariah chill out." He said

"I wasn't being funny, I was being serious." I said still laughing

"Girl is his mad or nah." Lauren said

"Mad." I said

"Y'all shutup, come on Lauren so I can be taking you to the house." Tre said grabbing his keys

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