Chapter 34

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Makayla pov
I was on my way to Megan house. I was getting ready to drop Messiah off. I'm gone miss him because he was a good baby. Drew got jealous because I was paying Messiah more attention then him so Drew went to sleep on me while I was up playing with Messiah. I'm gone have to watch him more often cuz he's a good baby. I was pulling up at Megan house now. I got out and open up the back door and got the car seat out and his baby bag. Then I walk up on the porch and knock on the door. The only thing about it is Messiah is heavy in this car seat and Megan needs to hurry up and open up the door. When she came and open up the door I spoke and walk in the house and made my way to the living room. Megan mom was sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Hey, how u doing." I said putting Messiah car seat on the floor and his baby bag on the couch

"I'm doing good, I'm glad you brung my grand baby back, because his granny missed him." She said taking him out of his car seat and kissing his cheeks

"Man mom, why u holding my muffin. You know I missed him." Megan said mean mugging her mom playfully

"I'm sorry I missed my granny baby." She said and gave him to Megan

"Y'all is a trip." I said laughing at them

"Girl I know, but did he give you any problems." She said sitting down on the couch with him

"Girl nawl I loved his company, guhh Dre got made cuz I was paying Messiah more attention then him." I said laughing and sitting down on the couch beside her

"That's how Marcus gets sometimes, when I be kissing my muffin. He be wanting somebody to kiss him. I be like boy bye." She said laughing

"These males no they something else with theirselves." Megan mom said and start shaking her head

"You ain't never lying, but I'll call u Megan. Just let me know when you need me to baby sit him. Cuz I'll show watch his pretty self." I said kissing him on the forehead and he started smiling at me

"Alright girl I'll let you know." She said and gave Messiah to her mom

"K girl see y'all later." I said getting up off the couch

"Bye." Her and her mom said in unison

I had walk out the house and got in my car. Drew had stayed the night with me last night. He probably still sleep. I'm fixing to go home and mess with him now since he wanted to act like a toddler last night. I'll go home and treat him like one.

Zariah pov
I'm in the kitchen making breakfast for Tre and I. I'm not feeling lazy this morning so I decide to cook for him and me. I was cooking some grits, bacon, biscuits, and eggs. I'm not gone cook a lot since it's just us. After I had finished I look in the refrigerator and got out some orange juice. I had to look in the cabinets and get some glasses so I could pour some juice in it. When I was reaching to get the glasses a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Good morning baby momma." He said kissing my neck and send shivers down my body

"Morning baby." I said turning around and wrapping my arms around his neck while his was around my waist

"I can't forget about saying good morning to daddy baby." He said smiling and kissing my stomach and then kissed me

He pick me up and put me on the counter and got in between my lips. He started sucking on my neck, which going to leave a hickey. I let out a soft moan because he was sucking on my soft spot. He then kissed me on my lips and got me off the counter and put me on the floor. Then he went and sat down at the dining room table. Leaving me standing in this spot in my own wetness.

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