Chapter 30

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Hattie pov

"Mom." I heard Tre say with harsh in his throat

I got up out my chair and slung my phone on the couch that was in this hospital room and ran to Tre side. He was opening up his eyes. I had push the button on the bed to call the doctors in. The female doctor came in.

"Well, looks who up." She said to Tre smiling

"Yes thank the good lord above that my baby have finally woken up out of that coma." I said looking at my baby Tre. Words can't even much explain how happy I am

"Well I'll be back to check on you Tre." The doctor said to him leaving out the room

My first born has finally woken up.

Tre pov
I'm so happy that I have finally woken up. I can remember some things that happen before I went into this coma. I just need to try and refresh my member. But even tho I have been in this coma I could still hear what people was saying. I wanted to respond back to them but I couldn't. I have miss Zariah like so much. The things she would talk about to me touch my heart and made me want to cry, and I'm a real nigga. But niggas cry at some point in there lives to. I have miss so much of Zariah pregnancy and I just want to make it up to her.

"How is you feeling baby." My mom said to me

"I'm feeling good momma, I just missed y'all like so much. I thought I wasn't going to pull through, but I'm a fighter and I had to fight so I would be able to see my family again. I know I haven't been here for Zariah while she's pregnant, but I'm going to make her feel special these last couple of months while she carrying my child." I said thinking about my beautiful girlfriend

"Awe, I knew you was going to pull through because you're my son. But, we have all been helping Zariah out. She misses you like crazy. I know it have been hurting her since you have been in this coma. But she manage to keep a smile on her face. Some days she would be depress about thinking about you, but we had to cheer her up so she wouldn't put stress on the baby. I love my daughter-n-law and unborn grandchild. Tre what ever you do don't mess up what Zariah and you got. She a very good girl. She have been holding you down ever since you have been in this coma. Zariah is your ride or die. She's in love with you Tre Deon Taylor. So please don't break her heart." My mom said looking me deep into the eyes letting me know that she is serious about what she just said

"Yes mama, I understand what you is saying. I'm in love with Zariah and I don't want to break her heart or lose her. Zariah is the girl of my dreams. She's the only female that I have felt some type away about. Sometimes I feel nervous around her and I'm a boy. But we can feel like that to. I love Zariah to the moon and back. I'm gone hold her down because she held me down." I said looking at my mom and letting her know what I said is from deep down in my heart

"Alright Tre, don't be no fool now if you mess up. Stick to your word." She said warning me

"Yes mama, but were Zariah at now." I said wondering were she's at and not here

"She went to the doctor today." My mom said picking her phone up off the couch

"Oo, well mom don't tell Zariah that I have woke up. I want to surprise her." I said cheesing

"That's fine with me." She said

"I want to get out of the hospital today, so I can go and see my future wife." I said anxious to leave this hospital today

"Well Tre let's see what the doctor say before you get to happy that u might leave, but then again u might not." My mom said laughing

"K mom."

I sure hope they let me leave today. All I want to do is see Zariah.

Zariah pov
I'm just now making it back to my moms house. It's boring and I wish Tre was here so I could cuddle with him. This has been a long 3 months. Not to mention I have been horny since I have been pregnant. All I want to do is just look at Tre body's so I can get wet. Enough about my nasty thoughts, but I do miss Tre and his manhood. Right now I'm eating a subway. My fat ass stay eating. It's the only thing that I have been doing since I've been pregnant. When I drop this load I'm going to the gym and getting my body back in shape. I don't want Tre to look at a disgusting body of mine. I got to keep my body in shape for my man. But ever since I have been pregnant my tits and butt have gotten huge. I want to lose some of my tits but I don't mind keeping the booty. Tre can hold on to something back there if you know what I mean. But Ms. Hattie texted me and told me to come to Tre house. I wonder why do I have to go there but I'm gone go just cuz she ask me. She ask if my mom will drive me there and I said yea.I wondering what Ms.Hattie got up her selve.

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