Chapter 9

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Megan pov
I had to double look at the results because it said positive. I couldn't believe it so I took another test and I waited again and looked at it and it said positive too. "Fuck." I want to be happy at the same time but then again I don't want too. Marcus and I are on bad terms and I don't no if he is ready to be a father right now. Let me get my ass up and call him and stop being stubborn and do it for the baby.

Phone convo

"Wassup." He said

"Umm may u come over so we can talk."

"Sure baby I knew u was going to forgive me."

"Who said that Im forgiving you just hurry the hell up and come by, my mom will let u in." He is so annoying

"Ight I'm on  my way."



I thought that I was fixing to just try and get over Marcus but I guess I'm not. I guess things happen for a reason. I wanted to be over the top excited but I can't. Can this be true love? And Marcus and I could possibly have a future with our child?


I heard my mom telling Marcus she's in her room and to go in there. He came in my room and sat beside me on my bed.

"So wassup Megan."

"Umm Marcus I'm pregnant."

He froze and didn't saying anything

"Marcus I said."




"Why u is not saying anything."

"Because Megan I'm scared that I want be a good father to our child and I cheated on you and I regret every bit of it. I'm so sorry baby. He said

"Then I turnt around and wasn't looking at him."

"Look at me Megan."

"I looked at him with tears in my eyes."

He pulled me close to him and wiped my tears away and gave me a hug and whispered in my ear "I love u and I'm truly I'm sorry for what I did if u just give me another chance I will promise not to mess up every again."  I Pulled away from him and just look at him.

Marcus pov
Megan just looked at me and then she said.


"Why what."

"Why did u cheat on me Marcus u know I didn't deserve that." With tears streaming down her face

"Yea u right I'm sorry I truly am while kissing her tears aways. I just got caught up and I just wanted a blowjob put that lead to something else. Next time I promise to think with the head on my body instead of the head in my pants."

"We both started laughing."

"But for real all jokes aside just forgive me please Megan."

"Ok I'm gone forgive u just this one time but next time I'm gone cut your dick off and make u suck it."

" Megan was laughing but I had a serious look on my face because that girl is crazy and my ass must have been on cloud 10 knowing she would have done something like that."

Megan pov
Lol that's was funny when I said that to Marcus and I meant that. I'm crazy I'll do that shit for real let him mess up again and watch what is gone happen.

"Marcus I haven't told my mom yet cuz I'm scared she is gone say something."

"We'll have about we go tell her then."


"Mom may u come in the kitchen for a minute Marcus and I have something to tell you." My mom came in the kitchen and sat in front of us at the table.

"So what going on." She said

"Umm mom I'm pregnant."

She looked hurt as of what I just said and then she said.

"Megan I want to be mad but I got pregnant at a young age too and I was hoping that u wouldn't have followed in my foot steps but it's ok I get to be a grandma and I'm gone spoil my grand baby."

"Lol well I'm sorry tho mom."

"It's ok Megan, Marcus just make sure u take care of my daughter and grand baby or I'll handle u myself."

"Yes mama I want do anything to hurt my two babies." He said

I look at him and started blushing.

"Mom can Marcus stay the night since it's already late."

"Sure but y'all better not be having sex."

"We not mom."

"That's what u think." Marcus said under his breath but I heard him.


We was laying in the bed watching tv and Marcus kiss me and it felt so good cuz we haven't kissed In a while. I pulled away and he said something so sweet to me that made me wanted to cry.

"I love u Megan and I got you baby and I know u got me you is the best thing that has ever happen to me. I'm gone always love you and my unborn child."

"Aww that's was so sweet u gone make me cry."

"Lol does this mean we back together."


Before I could say anything he kissed me with so much passion and I kissed him back of course and then the kiss deepened we starting taking off each other clothes and Marcus said

"Make sure u be quieted so your mom want hear us."

I started laughing

"I can try but that why I'm pregnant now."

"Man so."

We keeping on going and you know the rest.

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