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"I didn't know you could sing kyle" i spoke up and he stopped and him and wayne looked at me. A giggle left my mouth.
"I missed u so much mommy, you was gine for like a year." Wayne said giving me a hug. My eyes became big. Than kyle stepped in.
"We all missed u babe but it's only been a few hours." Kyle said giving me a kiss.
"Daddy left me to starve" wayne said glaring at kyle. I looked at kyle and he looked everywhere else. "Is that true"
"I was trying to make sure you was okay, but he came out of nowhere asking for food".
"Did you give him any"
"No i was with you"
"That's not an excuse kyle don't leave my son starving again" i said. He nodded and i started to get up.
"Where are you going Molly"
"To go feed my son,where else are u coming" i looked at kyle he nodded and escort us out. I got greeted from pack members and they asked if i was alright. Trish was in the kitchen making spaghetti.
"Oh can i help please" i asked her while i took some bread out the fridge to make wayne a sandwich.
"Of course you can Luna" i gave her a blank stare. And she laughed. I made a peanut butter sandwich and gave it to wayne while he ran off. Soon some more ladies helped in the kitchen. We was making spaghetti with giant meat balls. Garlic bread, cake, brownies, and trish is making steak. Werewolves eat a lot.

I got done making the fresh pasta for the spaghetti and i put a time one and threw it in five big pots. I just noticed how big the pack is.
"Can i steal my mate just for a new minutes " i heard kyle say. He would interrupt us and we was having fun listening to music and talking. These females was really nice and kind.
"Take her" Trish said she gave me a smile. "She better be back before 30 minutes or i will come for tou with a wire kyle" she finished. He grabbed me and took me to the garden.
"I missed you , do you know that" he said moving closer. Ths is what i mean he so sweet at times. I just looked at him my heart beat quicken and he placed his lips on mine. Of course i responded back fast. "I miss you too, my little singer"
"There us nothing little about me babe, and you know that" i blushed and he kissed me again.
"Can you help me with these questions" he pulled a paper out. He asked me tons of questions and i reasked them to him too. Trish walked in and glared at kyle. And i followed her out while kyle had a sad look.

After the next hour food was ready. We even cooked a little more things. We put the food on the table out side and i notice half of the guys wearing shirts with a t-shirt.
"What's going on" i asked Isabel. She smiled and fixed her boobs in her tight small shirt and aligned her shorts. "We are cheerleaders while they play foot ball and the kids play in the yard" she explained. I nodded. "Go put you stinkest outfit on and come out here and cheer for your man" she pushed me to the door and i went inside with her.

She looked threw my clothes and picked out this red booty shorts and a red t-shirt to pair and gave me black snickers.
I put it on. And felt odd. I looked myself over and noticed my butt cheeks out and boobs showing.
"Idk Isabel it seems like so much" i had a great figure but idk how kyle would act about it.
"Girl live a little she grabbed my hand and took us outside.
"How come we don't get to play against the boys?" I asked her she gave me a blank stare and shrugged her shoulders.
"I want to play, why the guys have to get all the work" and soon Trish called us over.

I walked over to the field and notice kyle with no shirt on his back was turnt. I looked at the ground and tapped his shoulder.
Kyle turned around and next thing happened and i was being dragged back into the house with an angry looking alpha.
"What the hell do you have on" he said calm a little too calm. "I'm a cheerleader kyle" i rolled my eyes at his childish behavior. "No you are not go change" he ordered me. Now my blood was boiling how dare he think he can order me around like some lost puppy. I shoved him out the way and walked back outside.

"Let the games begin" Trish yelled. But kyle still didn't get it threw his thick head i wasn't changing. "I will not play anymore " he said behind me. "Seems like I'll just be cheering for someone else than" i said i shrugged my shoulder and walked toward Isabel. She laughed and she started talking. I could feel kyle eyes burn in the back of my head. I turned some music on and swayed my hips.

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