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"Molly you need to wake up and get ready for the ball I hope you have your bags packed" James came into my room shouting. I knew he been stressed with everything. So I just got up without putting up an argument.

"Good morning James" I said while stretching. I wanted to talk to him cause I didn't want him worried about me and to enjoy his mate and his life. He looked at me like I just grew another head.

"Good morning Molly" he said slowly he shut the door but it got yanked back open and he jumped on my bed giving me a huge bear hug and ran out.

I giggled at his stupidity and got up and got ready. An hour later I was walking down the stairs with a medium duffle bag. We just going to the royal palace for two weeks while dad took over with mom while we left. Aria was two months pregnant. James and aria was excited when they found out. Slowly I was making my way back to my family. I knew I couldn't stay mad for something that was not there fault, plus I don't want my brother mate worrying about me all the time cause he be worried about me.

I hopped in the car with James, Aria,Steve and his mate cloe, and john and his mate Sarah. John is James beta they grew up together, and steve is third in command they met in middle school.

I felt lonely I was the only one without a mate so I just pulled out my head phones and turned it up all the way and jammed out.

Molly in the picture

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