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Kyle POV

I was loosing it, I went totally wolf and vampire. I changed into my all black full wolf with sharp fang teeth. I didn't know what was going on I felt tingles over my entire body and a loud scream. I recognized it was my mate. My calmed down and saw her falling into a river drowning. I changed back and jumped in. I couldn't see anything so I changed into my wolf red eyes and saw her feet caught in a net. Her body started to lose focus. She pulled and yanked. I started swimming faster. It seemed like I was taking forever to reach her. J saw her body go limp as I reached her. I pulled the rock from under her and swam up with her. I gasped for air and didn't hear her gasped for any.
I quickly brought us out and began CPR. She wasn't breathing. I felt my entire world crashing down on me.

"Ugh" I saw her body crash up and choke the water out, and she crashed right back down. "We need to get her to the emergency room alpha" the doctor said I nodded and grabbed her while running. I didn't miss the glares I got from some people and Whitney was crying. While wayne looked confused. I'm such a horrible mate.

Two weeks gone by and no word from molly came out her mouth. I sat by her bedside all the time I never lefted her side. I was watching the door. I didn't get any sleep. I watched the video on what happened that night and everything was confusing when the river appeared out of no where. Weird shit have been happening all around me. I never lost it like that.
My eyes started dropping and I was getting scared. I haven't ate not sleep sat in this chair for this spot for two weeks.
"You stink" I heard a whisper and the hand I was holding shook. I jumped up from the chair I didn't know what to do.
"Doctor doctor" I yelled from the top of my dry throat. He ran some test on her and he said she was fine.

She looked at me and I looked at her. We both didn't say anything. I didn't notice I was crying until she whipped my tears from my eyes. "I'm so sorry babe, I don't know what happened I totally understand if you never want to see me again" I said hold her hands and getting up.
"We all make mistakes but if you ever try to harm are pack again I will have to kill you and find a new mate" she said in a serious tone.
I growled lowly at her cause the new mate part but understood than I smiled at her. "Guess what you just said?" She looked at me confusing. "You said are pack" she smiled and got up. "Yes are pack kyle the past two weeks I did a lot of thinking, I want me and you to work out because I have faith in us". She said while she looked at me. "I'm so sorry for hurting you" I said feeling the guilt all over again, we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me" she smiled and didn't say anything. "You really need a bath, and so do I" she scotted to the end by me. "Where is my baby Wayne" she asked getting up.

"Did he ever call you mom"? I asked her. She smiled and said yes he did. "I don't know why he did because his mom is Kim and you and her had a child" she said. I would have chocked on something. "What are you talking about Molly" I asked cause she is confusing me. "Ik that you and Kim had a baby she told me all about you and her kyle" she said rolling he'd eyes. She was walking around probably trying to feel her feet. "No you got it all wrong Kim is a liar I did hook up with her a couple of times but I never even gave her a child I found wayne when he was a baby in the woods, his parents was killed by other rogues and I just kept him as my own" I explained to her. She looked at me and smiled. "That explains a lot kyle, did you ever find out how those witches get inside the castle"? She asked me. "No I haven't why"? "I just have a weird feeling about everything now". "We should go shower and get some sleep" I said while grabbing her hand. She nodded. I carried her up the stairs into are room and she ran into the bathroom. I locked are room door and windows and went into the bathroom with her. She just pulled the curtain over a little. "What are you doing kyle"
"I'm getting in with you babe I don't want to wait to see you." I stripped and pulled the curtain. My eyes landed straight on her body than her eyes than back to her body. I let a low growl out and pinned her against the wall. "If you can't control your self kyle you need to get out" she said in a low voice. I sniffed her and smelled her arousal. The hot water dripped on my back. I was stuck. My partner in crime wanted to take all of molly right there.

Molly POV

I was in a dream with my sister for the two weeks she told me I needed to stay strong for kyle and never leave his side I wanted to stay with her longer but I couldn't. I was currently pinned up on the wall by my mate kyle. I was getting horny by the second. His friend was right there ready to go in action. Kyle hands gripped my thighs and one gripped my 😽 cat. I let a low moan out. He kissed on my neck until I felt some sharp teeth. I pulled away fast and saw kyle trying to fight control. This wasn't good, I wasn't ready to lose it not now. I smacked them hell out of him on the chest. He gasped for air and let me down. I took the soap and made a bubble bathe for me and horny dude over there. I sat down. "Kyle babe sit down on your side don't come near me" I instructed him too. He still looked like he was controlling his self. I threw some bubbles on him and he snapped out of it.
"I don't think it's a good Idea to shower together again" he said about to get up, I stopped him. "Try" I said I really wanted him close to me. He nodded and say back down I passed him the soap and we joked and let each other with bubbles until we was clean.

He helped me out acting like I couldn't help my self. He went to brush his teeth in another bathroom cause he couldn't stand to see me naked again. I brushed my teeth and found a long shirt and put it on. I turned on some music and danced.

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