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Maid Trish POV

I rushed into Wayne's room to tell alpha Kyle some guest started to arrive. Wayne was asleep.
"I will wake him and get him ready just go get ready, the maid are showing the the rooms and just finished the ball room"
"Thank you Trish, your a big help, but male sure you get ready too the ball is for everyone in the castle" kyle reminded me.

"Ik cam been reminding me, but as soon as you leave to go get ready the sooner I will be done with wayne and I can get ready or you just gonna keep talkin"
He smiled and left without another word. Cam is my mate.

I had wayne up in no time and dressed him with the help of my mate cam. He rushed me out to get ready. I hurried and slipped the ivory dress on and went to help cam get his tie on.

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