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Kyle POV

I went into the room to see wayne and Molly. I walked over and almost tripped on a bag on the floor. I picked it up and went threw it it was Molly scent. Why would she have a packed bag. She was planning on leaving. I started to become heated. I didn't want her to leave when she just got there. I left the room in a hurry and switched in my wolf outside.

Molly POV

"Get her up right now" I heard far in my sleep. I was rudely shook up. "We need your help,kyle changed into his wolf and we can't get him to calm down" a girl she was a red head with freckles she was really pretty. She pulled me out the bed, and dragged me all the way outside where people stood. Mates stood in there way. "What's the problem" I asked her.
"Kyle have gone insane he his tearing down trees and breaking shit, u need to help us Molly, after all you are his mate". I looked at her like if she was crazy and confusion. I saw a big wolf. I mean he was bigger than any alpha I have ever seen. He let a loud angry howl out and charged at his friend. Than turned around and looked at the girl with the red freckles. He let a deadly growl out as she looked at me for him. I didn't know what I should do or what was going on.

He charged at the girl. I don't know what happened but I jumped in front of her and let a growl I have never heard out. Everyone paused. Kyle stopped dead in his track we was face to snout. People hurried and left the scene. Kyle let a warning growl out to me, his eyes was pitch white not black but white. I stood my ground, he wasn't going to harm are pack just because he is mad. I let a low growl to show him that I'm not moving. Next thing you know I was thrown up in the air. I didn't remember how to change. I haven't since my sister died. I was going down fast until I landed in a river. It appeared out of nowhere. First it was a ground of rocks than bam a river. I landed hard in the water and my feet got stuck on something. I went down to try to pull it out but I couldn't see and it was heavy.

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