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Molly POV

I stirred a little the air was so fresh, I slowly opened my eyes and remember where we was. I was laying on the ground with kyle laying on my stomach. I didn't want to move him. He looked so peaceful and I know he needed the sleep too. I watched the clouds go by and changed. Kyle would move all the time. He would twitch his nose from the flies. He was just so cute I knew in my heart I was growing in live with him. One night could change everything. I knew timed passed cause the sun was out, but I didn't care we was under a big oak tree. Kyle was still sleep.

A squirrel came next to me and ran on kyle back and literally sat there looking at me. "I don't see how they eat you your so cute" I whispered to it like it understand. It chartered and what I heard was wonderful. I thought I was going crazy. "Ik I'm short in cute I like acorns" I held my mouth open. I knew I was going crazy. The squirrel ran off but came back. I was Still shocked it must have been my ears. The squirrel was now on kylehead closer to me. It spit out a acorn from it's mouth and placed it on kyle head. "Would you like one?" The little fury friend said I shook my head slowly still weird out. He stuffed the acorn in its mouth and ran off.

I was processing everything that happened when a dear came out the woods and drunk some water near me. He seemed like he didn't notice me. "Hey guy" I said trying to see if it will jump up and run away. It just turned near me and layer down next to kyle and looked at me. Wtf is going on I thought. I wasn't going to open my mouth to talk cause only crazy people think animals can talk back. "So are really gonna act like I'm not here?" It spoke quietly and soft. I couldn't under if these animals are a female or not. I just looked at the lake trying to ignore the dear who suddenly got up and was standing over me. Next thing I know we was surrounding by different types of wild animals. I started to get creep out. All they did was surround me and kyle and look at me.

I didn't want to wake kyle but he had enough of sleep he can get some later. I poked kyle. He stirred but was still sleeping. "Kyle get your ass up we have company" I said shaking him. He snapped up and shook his head. The birds flew past by my face and I screamed, I was freaked out. Kyle than jump up and stood over me.

"What the hell" I heard him say under his voice. He took my hand and I got up. He growled a little, but the animals didn't back up they just stood there and looked at me. "I don't think they want to hurt us kyle" I told him lowly. It was like he was trying to find a way out. He growled a loud growl, and this time I saw the animals move back a little.

"We don't mean any harm" a tiger stepped up to kyle. He must have understood cause this tiger is clearly talking. Kyle growled at it in a warning. "Tell him molly what we said" the tiger said to me. I was so confused on what was happening. "Kyle I don't think they want no harm, the tiger is talking" I said lowly it just flew out my mouth. I sound like a retard. Kyle just took my hand and we stared to walk toward the tiger. Every step we took I could feel kyle getting mad, he was going to change and kill these animals.

"He is going to kill you all, he don't understand, and I don't know why I understand you animals too please clear a path way" I spoke up making kyle stop in his tracks. There suddenly was a big path. I patted the tiger and he bowed down to me.

It was weird. Kyle didn't say anything to me, he looked so confused and worried, but refresh I hope all that sleep was good cause I feel like we going to have a long day already.

He picked up my shoes n purse and we got into the house. Everyone was up. I went straight up stair because I felt dizzy and tired.
"Molly what was that all about can you explain yourself" kyle said walling into the room with books and going to his desk. "No I couldn't and I can't kyle, I don't even know what just happened" I spoke as I lay on the bed. "This is making me have a headache Kyle I'll tell u after I get this nap, what's the books for?" He got up and got a blanket. "Go to sleep my queen plus it's just research" he answered while he covered me. He kissed my forehead and the last thing I heard was "this could not be true"

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