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Kyle POV

I walked back into the room to be amused by my mate dancing. I pulled my phone out in recorded her a little while. "Are you having fun" she turned around so fast and jumped so high it was funny. "Wtf kyle don't ever do that to me" she turned off the music and she walked over to the bed and just fell into it. I joined her and wrapped my arms around her I didn't want her to go no where I wasn't.

I felt someone looking at me and a hand going down my chest, it brought tingles down and up I was enjoying every bit of it. I snuggled closer to my mate.
"Kyle we have to get up"
"No we don't"
"Yes we do, I think you have to train your warriors" I opened my eyes after she said that and I looked at the clock. I slept all night and morning it was going on 2. "How did you know this is the time we train"? I asked I wasn't accusing her of nothing just curious. She got up and shrugged her shoulders and went into the bathroom. I waited for her to get out to go take a quick shower.
"Kyle I think I should go home" molly said when I came out.
"What?!" Why I didn't do anything to you" I screamed I can't believe she wants to leave me.
"I need to get my clothes kyle, not leave you" she said rolling her eyes. I blew a breath of air out. "You didn't think I was just going to leave you kyle"? "No" I lied. "I wasn't going to leave you kyle" she said coming up to me and running her hands in my hair. I pulled her close and kissed her. She taste so - she pulled away. She walked in my closet and dropped the towel. She had my boxers on and she slid a shirt on. I just watched her.
"Are you gonna just keep watching me or are you gonna pick your clothes out"? I snapped out of it and went to my desk. "Pick me out some clothes, I need to make a phone call" I said pulling the phone.

"Hey Trish"
"U know that thing I linked you about can you do it today?"
"Okay good thanks" I hung up the phone and saw molly going to the bed with a all black outfit. She walked out and I got ready.

I saw her sitting down eating a plate of bacon and eggs with grits. She pointed to a plate. I sat next to her and ate.

"Omg Luna we so need you right now" a group of girls ran up to her as she got up she almost lost her balanced until I caught her. They bragged her off and I went to fall but Kim stopped me.

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