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Kyle POV

I woke up with my arms wrapped around Wayne. Memories flooded back in my head and I looked around for Molly. Her scent was still around me everywhere. I got up and left Wayne sleeping. I ran down the stairs looking around the house. Two hours passed and I couldn't find her. I was going into Kim room to ask her if she saw Molly. I walked in and saw Molly giggling and talking to Trish. I let a big breath out of relief. They both looked at me weird.

"Good morning kyle" Trish said. "Morning alpha kyle" molly said. I looked at her if she grew two heads." You don't have to call me alpha I'm your mate, I need to talk to you Molly" I told her and closed the door and waited for her to come out.

"Hey" she said looking at the ground. "Are you hungry, cause I am I was thinking about go getting some food, if you would join me please" I said looking at her head hoping she said yes cause I hate getting turned down. She snapped her head up and locked eyes on me. It was like a mini contest that was going on. "Sure I would like to get some food" she said while walking a different way. "The kitchen is the other way" I said. She rolled her eyes and led the way she was going the wrong way she led us straight to the garden.

"Why didn't you tell me I was going the wrong way"

"You seem like you knew where you was going" I chuckled. She squinted her eyes at me and her lip twitched up but she didn't smile at all. I grabbed her hand and led her around the garden. I picked out an orange and began peeling it. I gave her it after I was done.

"Ummmm, why is it so sweet" she said while biting into it and looking at me, orange juice dripped from the side of her big full lips. I licked my lips and cleared my throat.
"Idk they was always like that I guess" I got up and picked some strawberries and ate while I brought some to Molly. I looked at her she looked at me while I ate. "What are you looking at" "nothing I was just out of space" she said while breaking the eye contact. She so cute. I watched her unpell the banana. She looked outside. Everything about her was so perfect. She strong legs her big ass booty😜 and her long curly black hair with her flawless skin. "Your beautiful" I said thinking out loud, I rolled my eyes at myself. "Thank you kyle". I grabbed her hand and led us back inside. The tingles ran up my hand and I pulled her closer. I walked into the kitchen to see we pack members up

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