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Kyle POV

I rushed back to the house with molly. I needed to look something's up cause it was all wrong. My mate could be...
"Dad where are you we have a big problem" I said calling his when I noticed molly was finally sleeping.
"What is it son, you know me and your mom is out"
"Sorry dad but I need you back is something we need to discuss about my mate"
"Your mate" my mom yelled I had to pull the phone away.
"Why didn't you tell me you found your mate, we will be on are way kyle don't worry later" than she hung up.

I went to the library and found all the books on the ancient times. I read and kept reading until I heard a knock on the door. Trish walked in. I smiled at her than went back to reading. "Kyle sweety and why don't you stop you been reading for hours and molly is awake she is with Wayne making sure he gets his dinner" she told me as she walked out.

I got up just to go see Wayne and molly and to make sure my mate is perfectly fine. I walked down with the last book about witches and whatever it had in it. I walked in a saw molly tickling Wayne. Wayne grew so close to her he called her mom. I even thinks she loves him more than me. "Wayne if you don't mind I want my mate" I said grabbing her softly from him. He looked at me and came between us. "You had mom all last night and this morning, leave me with her alone" he screamed at me.

This was the first time he got mad and screamed. It pissed me off. "Wayne go play I'll be right there" I heard molly said in a distance. "Kyle don't blame him, he just angry because I missed out on are play date" she said I growled at her. I'm her mate not some stupid little boy. "I'm your mate not him" I growled.

What she did next shocked me. She laughed in my face. I was growing madder by the second how dare she laugh at her king.
"Why are you jealous of wayne Kyle? You are my mate not wayne, wayne is a little boy who just loves his mom" she said in between laughs.

I thought about what she said and shuck my head. I didn't know why I was so hard in wayne. Molly is like a mom to him and here I was being a big baby cause he wanted to spend time with her.

"Sorry" I said very low so she was the only one to hear me. I never apologize unless I'm very wrong. She just looked at me like I was sweet. She kissed me and walked off.

I tried grabbing her back cause a little pick was not an option, but Kim so called accidentally bump into me. Something was so weird with Kim. When she was walking past me I had the thought to follow her she smelled so good just like molly she brushed my skin in I got a shot of a tiny tingle. I jerked back n went to the library. I locked the door and made sure no one entered.

Molly POV

Kyle was acting like a big baby, but I didn't go play with wayne. I went outside cause I wanted to see what would happen. I walked into the forest and saw a little lake I never noticed it. I took my shoes off and put my feet in. A fish swam right next to it and kept coming closer to me and more came. I was getting freaked out so I took my legs out. I turned around and there was a dear standing there. It looked like the same dear from yesterday. We was face to face this thing was tall.

"Hi" I whispered. I probably sound so stupid I'm trying to talk to an animal. The dear stuck out his tuck and licked me. What the hell I thought. "Hi molly,you taste funny" the dear said I stumbled back and fell in the lake. I swam up and the fish was surrounding me it was crazy. I hurried up and got out. The dear stood there in it's same place. "This is crazy I said to myself I must be going crazy' "no you are not in time you will know who you are" the dear said and it ran off

"Wait what do you mean?" I called after it I ran behind it than it just vanished in thin air. I walked back in my wet clothes. I just noticed how cold I was. I rushed inside and got some weird looks but I didn't care. I took a hot shower. I was putting my clothes on when I heard the bedroom door open. "Dad when can you be here, we need to talk about molly something is happening to her and its just weird" I heard kyle say over the phone. "I think she is the girl with the nature power the one that happens every 1000 years". He said. "Okay I'll see you and mom later" he said. I finished putting my clothes on and stuck my head phone in my ears and act like I was playing music. I walked out and went straight to the bed ignoring his presence. "Wayne was looking everywhere for you babe where did you go, he thought I stole you from him" kyle said as he chuckled. I got up and went to his desk.
Ugh sorry I totally forgot about wayne I was outside enjoying the sun light" it was the truth and a cover up. He just looked at me weird. "I had a long day kyle, I'm going to sleep" I kissed him quickly and he grabbed me back. He brushed his lips past mine and than kissed me. He didn't know what he was doing to me. I was so turned on. His shirt was on the floor and so was mine. I pulled away from him. " I love you Molly" he said as he gazed into my eyes. I was shocked. He was shocked. "Wait I didn't mean to, wait no I meant it but" he was stuck on his word. Did I love kyle. I had really strong feelings for him but I didn't know if it was love. "You don't have to say it back, you can take all the time in the world if you need to" he said. I slowly nodded and kissed him and got off his lap. I had put my shirt back on and went to bed. Soon kyle hand was wrapped around me. I snuggled into him.I slowly fell asleep.


"What the hell, where am I" I said I saw nothing but white.

"You are home my child" a man voice said.

"What do you mean, kyle is my home?" I said to the wall. The man chuckled. "Yes indeed my child, you are very special to the supernatural world and soon we will need your help, train and fight know your powers. Trust your mate kyle, he loves you very much" the man said. After that I woke up. I jumped up with chilling over my body. "What wrong babe" kyle was up in seconds growling. "Nothing kyle I just had a dream" "are you sure"? He asked he seemed so worried. I kissed him and brought him back to bed.

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