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One weeks later I finally got out my room because we was leaving. For the past days I made my brother bring me food and masked my scent from everyone. I just finished packing. I heading downstairs to join Aria. I talked with her for a bit until I felt small hands pull my jeans. I looked down to the little boy who I started with at the ball. He was holding on my leg. I spent hours for this kid and still didn't know his name. He pulled my legs and was leading me into a room. I picked him up and he pointed at where he wanted to go, soon I reached this big huge oak doors. I pulled it open and it was filled with Kyle scent everywhere.
"Daddy" the little boy said with the smile on his face. My heart broke into a million pieces and I heard a shut behind me.

"Where have you been" kyle yelled behind me. "Look at me when I'm talking to you" he yell in his alpha tone. I turned around and looked right at the little boy face. He was just looking at me weird.

I put the boy down and got up." You need to move out my way so I can leave" I said in a demand. I looked up at him and those blue eyes was a looking right into my hazel eyes. He smirked and stepped closer, I was gonna hold my ground from him. Suddenly I was pinned on the wall. His fingers intertwine with mime as he stared at me like a last piece of meat.

"Please I need to go, my brother is probably waiting for me" I said in a hush tone. He inched his face closer and slowly kissed me. The kiss was okay I guess😂😂 who am I lying it was the best I ever had. I didn't care about anything else I kissed back and we was making out, kyle k9 brushed past my neck and I let out a low moan, he was driving me crazy until we heard a knock on the boor and saw the little man sleeping on a little couch. Kyle didn't release me. He kept me pinned on the mall with his hands on my thighs. I unwrapped my legs from his waist and tried putting it down, he let a low growl out.

"There's someone at the door" I said lowly. He just looked at me and kept staring until his eyes turned a bright blue and he put me down. I just noticed his and my shirt was off on the floor.
"What do you want" he answer the door, as I quickly found my shirt to put back on.
"Sorry kyle I didn't know u was busy" I heard a voice I recognized but couldn't put a face or name.
"Sorry Trish I didn't know it was you" he said sounding said he was yelling at her.
"So did u find your mate, she is here I talked to her, why don't u have a shirt on boy what do I tell you about thinking you can do whatever" she said than I realize who she was. It was the lady from outside.

Kyle opened the door so she can see me and she nodded understandingly and walked off.
"She is a real nice lady" I said about to walk off but he grabbed my waist. "Where are you going"
"Home" I said in a duh tone. He growled and closed the door shut.

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