Chapter 39

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Karlie heard a small thud coming from her door. She couldn't tell if someone had knocked or not. She decided to check to see if anyone was there. Cracking the door open slightly, it didn't take long for Karlie to see Taylor on the ground. She looked at her blooded soaked clothes.

What is she doing here? Is she dead? What is going on?
Karlie's mind was racing. She hesitated no longer and picked up Taylor. Karlie took her inside and laid her down on the couch.
"Taylor? Taylor, can you hear me?" Karlie was panicking. She wasn't sure what happened or what to do. Karlie grabbed onto her hand and within a few seconds, she felt a light squeeze. She signed a breath of relief knowing that Taylor was at least alive. Karlie knew she had to call 911 though.

"911, what's your emergency?" The operator asked.
"I need an ambulance right now. My girlfri- I mean my friend is unconscious and I think she's bleeding but I'm not sure if it's stopped yet or not." Karlie said quickly.
"Ok, ma'am, just remain calm. Stay by her side until we get there. What is your address?"
Karlie gave her address to the operator and then hung up the phone.

She walked back over to Taylor. Karlie rubbed the unconscious girl's forehead, remembering the time she had rescued Taylor from the bar fight. That night still haunted her.

Another thought rushed to her head.
What if Calvin did this to her? If that's the case, then I will kill him.
Karlie became angry at the idea.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden bang at the door. She ran over to the door and opened it for the paramedics. They rushed in and wasted no time in carrying Taylor to the gurney. Before Karlie knew it, she was sitting in the back of an ambulance, holding Taylor's hand.

Within a couple of minutes, the ambulance had made it to the hospital. Karlie ran in and filled out some paper work as quickly as she could. She tried going to wherever the doctors took Taylor, but she was not allowed to.


Three hours had passed and the sun was about to rise. Karlie had been a nervous wreck, not hearing any updates on Taylor. Finally, a doctor approached her.

"Excuse me, Miss Kloss?"
"Yes that's me! Is Taylor ok? What happened? Is she awake?" Karlie questioned all at once.
"Please calm down, Miss Kloss. Taylor is ok and yes she is awake."
"What happened to her?"
"Taylor suffered a miscarriage, and a pretty bad one at that. She did lose quite a bit of blood, but she will be just fine. It's always hard to lose a child so she's really going to need someone that can be her rock. I'm going to assume that's you?"
"Yes, I'll be her rock, always. Have you informed her that she lost the baby?"
"Yes, I have." The doctor stated.
"How did she take it?"
"I think she's in a little bit of shock right now, but I'm sure she will be able to get through this, most people are. It's just a matter of time." The doctor informed. Karlie was taking in everything once again.

"May I see her?" Karlie asked.
"Well, it's funny you ask that. That's the very reason I came out to find you. Taylor was begging me to get you."
"Really?" Karlie lit up.
"Yes, come with me."

Karlie followed the doctor through the twists and turns of the hospital until they reached Taylor's room.
"She's right in there."
"Thank you so much."
Karlie opened the door slowly and walked in quietly. She saw Taylor laying on the bed, as still as possible.
"Taylor? I'm here now." Karlie whispered. Taylor's eyes fluttered open and a smile almost crept onto her face, as she saw the one person she wanted to see the most, but she then remembered the reason why she was dormant on this hospital bed.

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