Chapter 13

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Karlie and Taylor arrived back at Karlie's apartment around two in the afternoon. The two girls made their way to the couch.

"So, what do you want to do for the rest of that day?" Karlie asked with a huge grin on her face.
"Well, I actually have some things to do. So I'm going to have to leave in about an hour." Taylor replied.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to just assume that you were free for the rest of the day. I guess I'm just used to my own relaxed schedule." Karlie explained. Taylor smiled and responded after a few seconds of thinking.

"I think it's really sweet that you want to spend time with me. I want to spend more time with you too, but I'm a pretty busy person." Taylor said. Karlie grabbed her hand and looked deeply into Taylor's eyes.

"Taylor, it's okay. I used to be busy too, know."
Karlie chuckled.
"This is all so new and exciting, I'm just eager to be with you I guess." Karlie continued.
"I think we just need to let this relationship sink in, then we can get used to each other's schedules. We will make everything work, I promise." Taylor answered with a smile. Karlie couldn't resist her adorableness and kissed her on the cheek..then nose...then forehead...then finally lips, where she lingered for a while. They kissed and giggled like teenagers.

"Why don't we watch some episodes of Friends before I have to go?" Taylor suggested.

This girl knows me so well!

Karlie thought to herself as she nodded at Taylor's request.


It was time for Taylor to leave, and she couldn't be more disappointed. Both girls kissed each other good bye after Karlie's many failed attempts at making Taylor stay. Taylor wanted to, but she had something planned.

Taylor got into her car and drove right down the street to the coffee shop. She had a meeting with Calvin that she had been dreading.

Taylor didn't tell Karlie about this rendezvous because she didn't want her to worry. Yes, Taylor had gone on a date with Calvin before, but she felt the opposite of butterflies and sparks.

Taylor opened the glass door and found Calvin sitting at a table in the middle of the room. It was empty and Taylor figured that he probably closed up extra early, even though it was unnecessary.

"Hey, sorry I'm a little late." Taylor said as she sat down at the table.
"It's no big deal. I'm just glad you're here." Calving answered with a big smile. Taylor slightly cringed at his flirtatious behavior. She felt bad for being repulsed by Calvin's presence, but she couldn't help it.

"So, what did you want to talk about? More gigs? Less gigs?" Taylor asked after a few moments of uncomfortable silence.
"No, actually. I wanted to talk about something else." Calvin said as Taylor gave him a look to encourage him to continue talking.
"I like you, Taylor, a lot. And I know you feel it too. You don't have to hide those feelings from me anymore. I want us to be together."
Calvin said with a little too much confidence. Taylor wasn't quite sure how to respond. She didn't want to hurt his feelings.

"Calvin, I'm sorry. I'm seeing somebody else, I don't feel that way about you." Taylor answered. Calvin was quiet for what felt like forever. He finally spoke after a while.
"Who?" He asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Who are you dating?" He snapped.
"Well, that's really none of your business." Taylor snapped back.
"Taylor, please, just tell me." Calvin pleaded. She could hear the hurt in his voice.

"Her name is Karlie." Taylor said with confidence.
"Wait, do you mean that girl that was in the bathroom with you?" Calvin asked.
"Yes." Taylor simply replied, wanting to give as little information as possible.
"You're gay?" Calvin asked.
"That's none of your business either." Taylor snapped.
"Just tell me, it's not a big deal." He said.
"I've gotta go, bye Calvin." Taylor said while she stood up. As she turned around she felt a painful grip on her wrist.

"Just tell me." Calvin commanded through his gritted teeth. Taylor was frightened by his sudden change of demeanor.
"DOES IT MATTER?!." Taylor shouted with fear. Calvin loosened his grip as Taylor made her way out of the door as quickly as she could.

Taylor drove home with shaky hands. When she unlocked the door and walked in, she immediately went to her bedroom and plopped down on her bed.

Taylor examined her throbbing wrist. There was a slight mark from where his fingers were. She did not expect this type of behavior from Calvin. A part of her wanted to tell Karlie about all of this, but she didn't want her to worry. Taylor decided to relax and took a nap.


Taylor was awoken by the sound of a text message. It was from the one and only Karlie Kloss.

Hour 5 without you: I'm trying to survive but I don't know if I can make it. My poor heart is so lonely, if only there was a hot singer who could fill that loneliness.

Taylor laughed at the dramatic text that Karlie had sent her. She already felt a million times better, just from a stupid text from her girlfriend.

You will survive, I believe in you! I actually hate to break it to you, but I'm going to be busy all day tomorrow.

Taylor texted nervously. She didn't want Karlie to be mad at her. Karlie was quick to respond, as usual.

WHAT?!? Why?!? How could you do this to me Taylor Swift?!? Now I'm definitely not going to survive.

Taylor giggled once again at Karlie's text. She wanted to see Karlie just as much, but she had previous engagements that she had to tend to.

I'm sorry, Karls! We will see each other the day after though!!!

Karlie replied quickly.

I would wait a million years for you. <3

Taylor's heart melted in that moment.


A/N: More sweet Kaylor moments! Also some more plot building. Prepare yourself for the next chapter 😉😏

Thank you for reading!

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