Chapter 10

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Karlie entered the café as Taylor was singing on the small platform. There was actually a decent amount of people there who seemed to be entertained by Taylor's talent.

Taylor didn't see Karlie walk in at first. She was too busy singing her song, Breathe. Right after she finished singing that song, Taylor immediately started playing White Horse. And that's when she saw Karlie standing there, all six feet of her.

Taylor didn't stop singing when she saw Karlie, but they continued to make uncomfortable eye contact throughout the song.

Karlie was desperate to speak to Taylor. To apologize and make it up to her. But when Taylor ended the emotional song, she immediately scurried off to the bathroom. No one seemed to really notice any urgency to the way Taylor left, except Karlie.

This was her chance. Karlie ran into the bathroom. All of the stalls were empty, except for one. Karlie was going to wait for Taylor to leave the stall, then they would talk.

After a few minutes passed, Karlie had heard several sobs and then a broken Taylor appeared. Her blue eyes were staring into Karlie's green ones, but they weren't the deep blue that they usually were. They were dull. Taylor broke the eye contact and spoke.

"What are you doing here, Karlie?" Her voice was shaky.
"I came to apologize." Karlie said as she moved towards Taylor. She was scared that Taylor would back away, but she didn't.
"Taylor, I don't even know where to begin to say I'm sorry. I just...I totally lost my temper and I don't know why. That's not an excuse though, and I know that. I drove to the hospital you work at and I was told about Penelope." Karlie was able to get Taylor's gaze back. Taylor's lips started to tremble as she held back her tears.

"I'm so sorry about that. She died too young. Life is so unfair in that way sometimes. I wish I was there for you. I wish I listened to you. I'm just so so so sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me." Karlie looked down at her feet, still feeling Taylor's gaze.

"Listen, Karlie, I know you have your insecurities, I have mine too, and I just wish you would have heard me out. I was having trouble coping with Penelope's death and I was hoping you would help me through it."
"I want to help you through it, Taylor, if you'll let me. I care about you so much, and...I want to be with you." Karlie said shyly. Taylor's lips curved into a small smile.
"I forgive you, Karlie. We just had communication issues, that's all." Taylor answered back. Karlie was relived that Taylor forgave her, but she didn't respond to the last thing that Karlie said.

"Do you want to be with me?" Karlie asked with a slight crack in her voice. Taylor hesitated to answer at first. She spoke once she finally found the words.

"I've been hurt so much, I don't know how to love anymore. I don't think I'm ready for a relationship, Karlie, I'm sorry." Taylor didn't want her to feel rejected. Karlie tried to fight back her tears, but she failed.

"Taylor, please, I won't hurt you.
You've made me happier in these past few days than I've ever been in so long." Taylor looked away, she was also crying. Karlie got on both of her knees and grabbed Taylor's hands.

"Taylor...I need you." Karlie said as she looked up at Taylor, who was crying even more. She moved her eyes to Karlie's and she responded.
"I...I need you too, Karls."

Karlie stood up, still holding Taylor's hands. Their faces were so close together, they could feel each other's breaths.
"Just, trust me. Okay?" Karlie whispered.
"Okay." Taylor whispered back even quieter.

Karlie then cupped Taylor's face and kissed her. It was nothing like their first kiss. It had desire and hurt mixed into it. Karlie noticed how soft Taylor's lips were, making her not want to pull away.

Taylor found her hands tangled in Karlie's blonde hair. She had never experienced a kiss quite like this. It was so meaningful.

The bathroom door started to open and both girls pulled away instantly, with smiles on their faces.

It was Calvin who actually walked in. He looked concerned. Karlie and Taylor were confused as to why he was in the ladies' restroom.

"Calvin, what are you doing in here?" Taylor asked. Calvin walked close to her, grabbing her hand.

"I wanted to make sure you were ok, sweetie."

Sweetie? What the fuck is going on?
Karlie thought to herself as her hands bawled up into fists.

"Don't call me that," Taylor said as she removed her hand from Calvin's grip. "and I'm fine. Karlie is comforting me, so you can leave."

Calvin looked shocked at Taylor's response. He then glanced over at Karlie with a small amount of malice in his eyes. Taylor probably wouldn't have noticed it, but Karlie sure as hell did.

"Well, you know where to find me, Tay." Calvin said as he left the bathroom.

"He's so gross, I'm sorry." Taylor said as she slightly chuckled. Karlie smiled back at her.
"So, listen, I have about an hour until my gig is over. I better go back out there. I would love it if you would wait for me." Taylor blushed at her own request just thinking about Karlie's answer.
"Of course I will wait for you." Karlie smiled. She put one hand on Taylor's cheek and kissed her softly on the lips once more.

Both girls exited the restroom as Taylor made her way back onto the platform.

"Sorry for the slight delay everyone. My next song that I'm going to play is called Out Of The Woods." Taylor began singing.

Karlie was near the back of the coffee shop as an effort to avoid distracting Taylor too much. Taylor's eyes always found Karlie's though.


Taylor finished up Stay Stay Stay as her last song of the night. She couldn't stop smiling and giggling when she saw Karlie.

Taylor thanked everyone for being there and then she began to pack up. Karlie excitedly made her way to Taylor, but not quick enough before Calvin could get there first. He grabbed the guitar case and other equipment. Karlie stood right in front of him holding her arms out, signaling him to hand over what he was carrying. Calvin reluctantly complied and walked away.

"Tay, you were amazing as usual." Karlie said with a huge grin. Taylor looked up and blushed, but didn't say anything back.

After a few minutes, Taylor and Karlie had everything they needed as they walked out the door and to Taylor's car. Karlie placed everything in the trunk carefully and shut it.

"Was that everything?" Karlie asked, breaking the silence.
"Yep, we got everything." Taylor answered.
"Would you still be up for dinner at my place?" Karlie questioned as she smiled big.
"I would love that." Taylor said as she kissed Karlie's cheek.


A/N: See? Everything is going to be ok...for now! This fic is gonna be a roller coaster, just FYI. We reached over 1k reads btw!!!! Thank you all so much!!!

Thank you for reading!

Holy Ground {Kaylor}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang