Chapter 18

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Taylor woke up feeling extremely sore all over her body. She realized that she was in an unfamiliar bed. Taylor recognized the room though, she had been in here before briefly.

I'm in Karlie's bedroom. What am I doing here?

Taylor limped her way out of the room to find Karlie watching tv on the couch. Karlie turned around in surprise.

"You're up!" Karlie exclaimed, then hiding her excitement. She didn't want to make Taylor uncomfortable.
"Um, yeah. Can you explain to me what happened and why I'm here?" Taylor asked as she sat down next to Karlie.
"Well, I'm not entirely sure of the whole story, but you somehow got in the middle of a huge bar fight. I walked in and noticed your guitar and saw you on the ground. I couldn't leave you like that, Taylor." Karlie explained. Taylor was figuring everything out in her head.

"I remember now. I was at MacLauren's Pub for a gig. Last thing I can recall is man shoving me." Taylor said, not looking Karlie in the eyes.
"Everything is ok now. I would have brought you to your own apartment, but I didn't have a way to get in."
"Karlie, it's fine. How do I even begin to thank you? You saved my ass after everything I said to you."
Taylor said, still not looking Karlie in the eyes.
"Taylor, listen to me. I was just trying to do the right thing, I didn't want anything bad to happen to you. That's all." Karlie said, not telling the whole truth. Of course she didn't want Taylor to be hurt, but she also just wanted to be near her again. To see her beautiful face, to feel her smooth skin, to smell her scent. But she couldn't tell Taylor that.

"Can I ask you something, Karls?" Taylor interrupted Karlie's thoughts.
"Of course."
"Why were you there in the first place? That pub is far away from here." Taylor asked. Karlie didn't want to lie, she thought she might as well own up to it.
"I went there to get drunk." Karlie admitted. Taylor finally looked in her eyes. She was concerned, and Karlie could see it.
"Why would you go all the way to MacLauren's to get drunk? And why did you want to get drunk?" Taylor questioned. If it was anybody else, Karlie would get frustrated at the amount of questions being thrown at her, but this was different. This was Taylor.

"I needed to get away. I needed to forget." Karlie explained.
"Get away from what? Forget what?" Taylor asked. Karlie couldn't remain calm anymore, everything became so personal.
"Karlie, calm down, ok? I didn't mean to make you upset." Karlie stood up and began pacing the room, like she had the night of their break up.

"My heart is broken, Taylor. I miss you so much, it hurts. I still don't understand why you ended our relationship. I try so hard to tell myself that you're not worth crying over, but I can't lie to myself like that." Karlie tried calming herself. She began crying, she wasn't expecting to have this conversation with Taylor this morning.

Taylor stood up and walked towards Karlie. They embraced, as both girls cried.

"I wish I could explain it better, but I just did what I thought would be necessary for my own well being. You don't think I'm broken hearted everyday? I try to tell myself that I made the right decision, but I know I didn't." Taylor explained as she was still in Karlie's arms. Her words surprised Karlie.

She feels the exact same way that I do. We've been suffering while all of this could've been avoidable.

"Taylor, what about Calvin? When I walked into the coffee shop and saw you two kissing, I just wanted to kill him. Are you guys like a thing?" Taylor pulled away from their hug to look at Karlie in the eyes.

"He kissed me. I had no say in it. I haven't seen Calvin since that day, I promise." Taylor explained.
"So, it was bad timing, I guess?" Karlie chuckled as she wiped her tears. The intensity had lowered immensely. Taylor and Karlie just looked at each other with small grins.

"If I kissed you right now and told you that I wanted you back, would you accept it?" Taylor asked as she was blushing. It took a lot of courage for her to ask it, but it felt so...right.

"Taylor, you don't even have to ask." Karlie said as she leaned in towards Taylor. Taylor leaned in as well, making their lips collide. Karlie wrapped her arms around Taylor's waist as Taylor cupped her face. Their lips were overlapping as they would giggle between breaths. It was a magical moment that they shared.

This is happiness. This is what I want.

Both girls thought simultaneously.


"But I don't want you to leave, babe!" Karlie exclaimed as she held onto Taylor's arm tightly. Taylor was giggling in the door frame.
"Karrrls!!! I don't want to either! But I have a gig tonight, and I better get going." Taylor explained.
"I know, but why won't you at least let me come with you?" Karlie asked as she was now holding onto Taylor's hand.
"You know I want to, but you are just going to distract me!"
"Fine...but wait here for a second!" Karlie said as she rushed to get Taylor's guitar.
"Don't forget this!" Karlie handed the guitar to Taylor.
"Thank you, baby!" Taylor kissed Karlie one final time before she left.

Karlie couldn't stop smiling. She definitely wasn't expecting this to happen, she had given up on being with Taylor ever again. This was right. She wasn't going to mess this up this time. Karlie was finally happy and it was all because of Taylor.

I'm falling for her, no doubt about that. I wonder when I should tell her.


A/N: Yay! More Kaylor moments! Don't forget to comment and vote!

CONGRATS TO TAYLOR ON ALBUM OF THE YEAR IM SO HAPPY FOR HER OMG! She wanted this so badly and she deserved it so much I literally cried when she won.

Thanks for reading!

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