Chapter 22

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A/N: I'm sorry in advance for how short this chapter is! Read the another's note at the end please!


Taylor woke up and realized that she had work. She knew she wouldn't be able to focus all day if she didn't make things right with Karlie. Taylor dialed the hospital on the phone.

"You've reached the Children's Center for Cancer, how may I assist you?" The receptionist asked.
"Hi, Pam. It's me, Taylor."
"What's going on Miss Taylor?"
"I'm gonna be a little late for work today, there's just some things I gotta do." Taylor stated.
"That's no problem! I'll see you later!" Pam said as she hung up.

Taylor took a shower, got dressed, and put her makeup on. Next stop was Karlie's apartment.

I need to stop being so selfish about my feelings. Karlie's in this relationship too.

Taylor thought as she made her way to the car.


There was a knock at the door, which woke up Karlie. She had fallen asleep on the couch, surrounded by her own used tissues.

Karlie retied her robe that she had fallen asleep in and walked over to the door. She was surprised to see her girlfriend's face. Taylor was quiet for a second before she let everything out.

"I love you, Karlie Kloss. I always have and I deeply regret not saying it to you last night. I've been so selfish in this relationship, only caring about my own feelings. Well it's all gonna stop now because I trust you with my heart and I'm ready to be in love with you. You are the light in my life, Karlie. I'm so sorry for making you feel like your love was one sided because I promise you it's not. I love you so much, you have no idea." Taylor finally said, releasing a breath she didn't realize she was holding. Karlie was speechless. Her mouth was agape at the door. She had never seen Taylor with so much confidence.

"You love me?" Karlie asked as she was still surprised. Taylor smiled at her question.
"Yes, I love you. Are you kidding me? You are perfect in every way possible. You are the most gorgeous woman I have ever laid my eyes on, you care about me so much, you protect me, you make me laugh, you make me cry, but most importantly, you make me happy." Karlie blushed at Taylor's statement. She never knew that Taylor felt this way. It was so amazing to feel loved by the one woman who meant the world to her.

"But what about Dianna?" Karlie was still concerned with the whole encounter last night. She thought that maybe Taylor still had feelings for her ex girlfriend.
"What about her? We dated when I was much younger and much more naïve. I want you to trust me when I tell you that I was never even half as happy with Dianna than I am right now, with you." Taylor said confidently. She was surprised herself at how easily her word were flowing.

"Taylor, all these things that you are telling me, they mean the world to me. I can't even express that. I love you so much, baby." Karlie said as she pulled Taylor in, closing the door behind her, and kissing her passionately against the wall. It was a kiss of want, need, and most of all, love. They were in love.

Taylor's hands were lost in Karlie's hair as Karlie's were nearing her butt. Taylor was so lost in the moment when she jumped up and wrapped her legs around Karlie's waist. She was so strong as she held Taylor there as if she weighed nothing.

Karlie then carried Taylor to her bedroom, plopping her on the bed. Karlie got on top of her, kissing her neck. Taylor was not at all holding her back. She wanted this just as badly as Karlie did. Karlie left marks on Taylor's skin, making the singer shiver. Taylor moaned in pleasure. It was getting extremely intense and romantic.

"What time is it, babe?" Taylor asked in between labored breaths, ruining the moment. Karlie smiled at the silly question.
"It's eleven, baby. Why?" Karlie wondered.
"Ugh...shit!" Taylor whined as she leaned her head back.
"What's going on?"
"I have to go to work." Taylor sighed, not wanting to be away from her loving girlfriend.
"Oh shit, that's right. Aren't you late anyways?" Karlie asked.
"Yeah, but I called in and it was no problem."
"Well call in again and tell them that you aren't coming at all." Karlie suggested. Taylor smiled at the sweet implication that Karlie didn't want to be away from her either.
"I can't do that, Karls. The kids need me." Taylor stated as she sat up. Karlie looked saddened.
"Alright, but when will I see you next?" Karlie asked. Taylor smirked and whispered in her ear.
"I will see you again tonight and we can finish what we started."

Karlie was dumbfounded with her mouth agape. She was not expectig that answer from her sweet, innocent girlfriend.

With a kiss on the cheek and an exchange of "I love you", Taylor was gone.

My life could not get any better.


A/N: This soooooo short I'm actually sorry about this one. But hey, they said the three special words. Hopefully it doesn't seem like they said it too soon, but c'mon, young love. I am happy to inform you that it will be A LOT of Kaylor fluff for a while now. Enjoy it while it lasts. Also, look forward to Chapter 24.

Thanks for reading!

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