Chapter 35

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Right before the plane was about to take off, Karlie made a quick phone call.
"Hello?" The other line asked.
"Calvin, I'm moving to LA. Fuck you and your contracts. I quit."
"Wow, I always thought I'd be the one to break you and Taylor up, but I guess you did that on your own."
"You don't know what you're talking about. I never said that Taylor and I broke up."
"So you two are moving to LA together?"
"Hm, I see. Well enjoy the single life." He said as he hung up.

Karlie's blood was boiling. She hated that man with a burning passion. Karlie was thankful that Taylor would be no where near him. She just wanted Taylor to be safe. Little did she know that her ex girlfriend was completely scammed.


It was a long drive, but Taylor made no stops. She tried calling Karlie a few times while she was in the car but she never answered. She found herself in front of Karlie's apartment door. She knocked multiple times, but there was no answer.

"Karlie? It's me, Taylor. I need to talk to you." She said, but she heard nothing in response. Taylor finally made the bold decision to use the key that Karlie gave her.

She stepped in to find the apartment completely vacant. No Karlie to be found. It looked the exact same since the last time she was there. Taylor wondered if Karlie had even returned to her apartment since the break up the night before.

Taylor decided that she wouldn't stay there long. She left the CD, which had the recorded song on it, on Karlie's kitchen table along with a letter she wrote to go along with it. She wasn't sure where Karlie was or when she would get back, but Taylor hoped that her song and letter would suffice as an apology.


Karlie had landed in LA and she hailed a cab to take her to her hotel. When she arrived at her location, Karlie dropped her phone on the concrete, watching it shatter.
"Shit." She muttered. Her phone was completely busted.

Karlie headed up to her room after she checked in. She examined her phone a little closer and realized that she would have to buy a new one. She decided that she would do that later though.

Karlie wanted to relax so she laid down on the hotel bed. Thoughts of Taylor immediately flooded her mind. She missed Taylor so much it hurt. A small part of Karlie knows she made the wrong decision to leave. She just couldn't help but wonder where the singer was at that very moment.


Taylor entered the coffee shop in some what of a rush. She was hoping that there was a possibly that Karlie could be there. Taylor was getting concerned when Karlie was picking up none of her calls. As she walked in, there were no customers in the cafe. All she saw was Calvin cleaning some tables. He had a beard now, which Taylor was not a big fan of.

"Hey, Taylor! Long time no see!" Calvin exclaimed as he walked over to her. Taylor looked up at him, not really wanting to carry a conversation, but she figured that she might as well.
"Um...hi." Was all she said.
"What brings you here?"
"Oh, I was just wondering if you've seen Karlie. I thought maybe she might have stopped by here."
"Wait, she didn't tell you?" Calvin asked.
"Tell me what?"

Calvin smiled to himself, knowing he had control over the situation since Taylor seemed pretty clueless. He quickly wiped the grin off of his face and replaced it with a look of sympathy for her.
"Maybe you should sit down." He suggested. Taylor nodded her head as she sat at the nearest table. Calvin sat across from her, grabbing her hands.

"Karlie actually called me earlier."
"She did? Why did she call you? Is she alright? Please tell me that she's alright." Taylor begged concernedly.
"She called me to tell me that she was quitting her job here and, yes, she's completely fine, Taylor. In fact, she kinda sounded happy."
"She did?" Taylor asked in a cracked voice. She wanted Karlie to be happy of course, but it kind of hurt knowing that she was doing fine without Taylor. Little did she know that Calvin was lying to her.
"She called me right before her plane was about to take off."
"Plane? What plane? Where was she going?"
"She didn't say. I imagine some place far away from here." Calvin lied again. He knew exactly where Karlie was. Taylor began squeezing Calvin's hands for comfort. She was so confused and hurt at the same time.

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