Chapter 27

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Two months had passed. Taylor and Karlie fell more in love everyday. They had their arguments every once in awhile, but they never went to bed angry.

The coffee shop was a living hell for Karlie, Calvin was horrible to her. Taylor started to perform there almost every night though, making it all worth it for Karlie to work there.

With Karlie as her muse, Taylor was a song-writing machine. She had notebooks exploding with lyrics. Karlie wanted to take Taylor on a road trip to Nashville in the hopes of getting some type of record deal for her.

"That's crazy, Karlie! We can't do that!" Taylor exclaimed, although Karlie could tell it excited her.
"Why not?" Karlie smirked.
"We have jobs!"
"So? C'mon, Tay! Live a little! We will have the adventure of a lifetime, plus, we could make all of your dreams come true." Karlie explained. Taylor walked out of Karlie's kitchen and onto her couch as Karlie followed.
"I want to, but..." Taylor trailed off.
"But what, baby?"
"What about the kids? I can't just leave the hospital like that."
Karlie took Taylor's hands in her own.
"Taylor Alison Swift, you are so devoted to your job. A few days off wouldn't kill you. I will call Pam myself and ask her about vacation days for you."
"Alright, fine. If Pam says I can have a few vacation days, then I'll go."

Karlie left the room as she called the hospital. Taylor just sat on the couch looking around the living room. Karlie had added a few photos of her and Taylor around the apartment. It made Taylor feel warm inside knowing that her and Karlie were getting very serious. They were deeply in love. Taylor spent more time at Karlie's apartment than she did at her own. Maybe we will move in together soon. The very thought gave Taylor butterflies in her stomach.

"Tay, guess what?" Karlie wondered back to the couch. Taylor looked at her with all the interest in the world.
"What!?" She asked enthusiastically. Karlie rolled her eyes.
"If you're going to be sarcastic, I'm not gonna tell you." Karlie stated, crossing her arms. Taylor giggled at her cute girlfriend.
"Ok, I'm serious now. I'm ready."
Karlie uncrossed her arms and scooted closer towards Taylor.
"So I talked to Pam and she said you could have up to two weeks off if you wanted to." Karlie tried to hide her excitement but she couldn't.
"That's great! But what about your job, Karls?" Taylor asked with concern.

Karlie figured out that Taylor didn't realize what she signed when she recommended her for the job. She chose not to say anything to Taylor about it because she knew she would feel bad for Karlie.

"I'll talk to Calvin, it's not a big deal, Tay."


"Two fucking weeks? Are you fucking kidding me? Fuck no!" Calvin said harshly. Karlie smirked knowing that he would say that.
"Hmmm...that's a damn shame, Cal, becau-"
"Don't fucking call me that. It's Mr. Harris."
Karlie rolled her eyes. She truly hated him.
"Well, Mr. Asshole, Taylor and I want to go on a road trip to Nashville so that maybe she can get noticed by a record label. She's gonna be very upset knowing that we can't go because you won't let me get off of work." Karlie knew how to play his games. Calvin groaned in defeat.
"Fine." He said as Karlie skipped out of the coffee shop with glee. She would get to spend two whole weeks with her beautiful girlfriend without any interruptions. How could it get any better?

Karlie decided to surprise Taylor with some hydrangeas because they were her favorite type of flowers.

Taylor was at work and planned to spend the night at her own apartment, which fit Karlie's plan perfectly

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Taylor was at work and planned to spend the night at her own apartment, which fit Karlie's plan perfectly.

Karlie packed up some clothes once she arrived at her complex and waited until she knew Taylor would be home. Karlie then put her suitcase in the trunk and drove to Taylor's apartment.


Hearing a knock at the door, Taylor opened it. She saw her lanky girlfriend standing in front of her with a bouquet of hydrangeas. Taylor was speechless, she always was when Karlie surprised her like this. Karlie had a huge grin on her face as she let herself in, wrapping her arms around Taylor.
"What are you doing here, babe?"
"I came to see the love of my life...which is you of course." Karlie said as she pulled away from the hug. Taylor wasted no time in leaning in to kiss her. It was a sweet kiss.

"I can't believe you brought my favorite flowers, Karls." Taylor cooed.
"I wanted to surprise you, baby. But I also have another surprise." Karlie whispered. Taylor eyes lit up like an excited child's.
"Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down in Karlie's arms.
"Calm down, Swift!" Karlie chuckled. Taylor steadied herself and looked into Karlie's green eyes.
"Ok, so we are going on a two week road trip to Nashville and we are leaving tonight so go pack your stuff. I already have a suitcase in the car, so I'm ready when you are."
"Wait, Karlie, slow down! Nashville is only like thirteen hours away from here, it's not gonna take two weeks." Taylor said skeptically.
"Yeah, but we can split it up and take two days to drive there and then spend the rest of the time in Nashville. It's going to be amazing, trust me!"
"Alright, will you help me pack?" Taylor asked. Karlie nodded her head as both of the girls walked into Taylor's bedroom.
"You know something, Tay?"
"We haven't had sex in here yet." Karlie wiggled her eyebrows and smirked.
"Oh my god, what am I going to do with you?" Taylor chuckled. Karlie walked closer to her and whispered in her ear.
"I'll tire you out so that you can just sleep in the car tonight."
"That would be nice..." Taylor trailed off. Karlie began kissing her neck and sucking on it.
"Mmmm...I don't know, baby. Don't I have to pack?" Taylor groaned.
"We have plenty of time." Karlie mumbled into Taylor's neck.

Karlie lifted Taylor's shirt and unclasped her bra. She began to suck on her girlfriend's nipples. Taylor moaned at the contact.
"Get on the bed, baby." Karlie commanded. Taylor laid on her back as Karlie got on top of her. She then removed Taylor's pants underwear, leaving her completely naked. It was a sight that Karlie could never get used to, it left her breathless every time.

Karlie removed all of her garments as well, to match Taylor. They laid there kissing heatedly. Tongues colliding and moans being released. Karlie began kissing Taylor's neck again, leaving marks.

Her hand started to slide down Taylor's toned body. Her fingers made their way to Taylor's core. Karlie could feel Taylor's breath hitch, as she began to thrust her fingers inside of her. Taylor moaned loudly at the touch. Having sex with Karlie was an out of body experience for her. Karlie continued to pleasure Taylor with her fingers as she sucked on her breasts.

"I'm so close, Karlie." Taylor mumbled. She was out of breath completely with sweat dripping down her face. Karlie smirked against her lips, knowing the effect she had on Taylor.

Taylor finally reached her orgasm as her chest heaved. She looked deep into Karlie's eyes.

"I love you, Karlie. You make me feel so safe. I trust you with all of my heart and I really want you to know that." Taylor said after many minutes of silence. Karlie was surprised at her words.
"You mean that, Tay?"
"Yes, baby, of course I mean it. I've never been in love like this before." Taylor explained.
"I feel the exact same way. I can never put it into words. All I know is this, Taylor Alison Swift, you are the love of my life." Karlie stated confidently. Taylor didn't even try to hold back her huge grin and red cheeks.

"Shall we finish packing up?" Taylor asked. Karlie snuggled closer in.
"Not yet, I want to remember this moment."

I'm going to marry her someday.


A/N: So I guess it's technically not a road trip if they are only driving for like 2-3 days, but I'm just gonna call it that lol. And also to make sure that no one is confused, Pam is the receptionist at the hospital where Taylor works.

Thank you for reading!

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