Chapter 9

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Taylor woke up when bright rays of light hit her tear soaked eyes. She had cried and slept for most of the day.

Taylor got up and stretched, which felt good because her body had been so tense. She decided to take a shower, hoping it would make her feel a little better.

After she took a shower, Taylor realized that she hadn't checked her phone in a while. In fact, she hadn't checked her phone since she left for work, and that was over a day ago.

When Taylor turned on her iPhone, she saw the two messages from Karlie and nothing else.

She read them and almost began crying again.

She must think I hate her! I didn't mean to neglect my phone all day!

Even though Taylor had been contemplating about just being friends with Karie for now, she realized that she needed her more than ever. Penelope's death had really given Taylor's steady emotions a beating. All she wanted was a hug from Karlie to reassure her that everything is going to be ok. 

Taylor instantly called the tall girl. The phone rang a few times and eventually Karlie answered.

"Hello?" Karlie said sleepily.
"Hey Karls, I'm so sorry about-"
"Save it, Taylor," She interrupted, "You could have texted me or something. I waited to hear you respond all day and you never did. How is that supposed to make me feel? I thought we had a good connection. Did that kiss mean nothing to you?" Karlie asked with anger and hurt in her voice.
"No, of course it meant-"
"You know what? I don't want to hear it. I'm glad this didn't go any further than it did. If you'll excuse me, I have to get a job. Bye, Taylor."
And just like that, Karlie hung up. Taylor was speechless. She didn't even get a chance to speak.

Everything started to make sense to Taylor though. Karlie had told her, when they were in the car on their "date", about how she had a problem with jumping to conclusions. Taylor witnessed it first hand.

Taylor wanted to make things right with her, knowing Karlie's insecurity had gotten the best of her. But when Taylor was about to leave her apartment, the note that Penelope had written to Taylor fell out of her coat pocket.

Taylor's eyes were instantly filled with tears once again. She went straight back to bed. She couldn't do this with Karlie, not today, at least. She was still mourning the death of the little girl who died too young. It was unfair and cruel.

Taylor found herself drifting off to sleep again.


Karlie was so mad. She wanted to punch a whole in the wall.

Taylor only cares about herself. I didn't want to hear any of her excuses. It's not hard to send a stupid text back.

Karlie was about to scream. Along with her tendency to be impulsive, Karlie also had anger issues. She was so infuriated with Taylor for leading her on. Who does that?


After a few hours had passed, Karlie finally cooled down. She was back to her calm demeanor.

Maybe Taylor did have a real reason. I should have given her a chance to speak. I really fucked this up.

She started feeling sick to her stomach realizing that Taylor probably did have an excuse and Karlie totally screamed at her for no reason. Taylor probably hated her guts, and Karlie couldn't blame her.

I like Taylor so so so much. It's like I'm trying to ruin the one good thing in my life. I need to make this right.

Karlie thought to herself as she grabbed her keys and raced out the door. She drove straight to the children's hospital.


Taylor woke up for the second time. It was around two in the afternoon this time. The whole conversation on the phone with Karlie flooded Taylor's mind.

How could she say that to me? I know she has insecurities, but I couldn't even imagine that they were that severe.

Taylor suddenly became filled with rage at the way Karlie handled the situation. It was immature and cruel. This portrayed Karlie's true colors, and they were a dark shade of red.


Karlie finally arrived at the hospital after what felt like a century long car ride. She raced to the receptionist in the center of the lobby.

"Excuse me, miss?" Karlie asked, trying to keep her voice calm.
"How may I assist you?"
"Do you know someone who works here by the name of Taylor? She plays music for the kids here." Karlie said almost sounding panicked.
"Taylor Swift? She's the sweetest girl. You know her?" The receptionist asked.
"Um, yes...we are...friends." Karlie hesitated.
"Well, if you are looking for her, she's not here. Poor girl, she really took it hard when she found out about Penelope passing away." The receptionist stated.

Karlie's eyes immediately widened when she heard the familiar name. Taylor had talked about the special little girl named Penelope. Karlie instantly felt her heart drop and shatter. Not only because of Penelope's tragic death, but because this is why Taylor never responded to her text.

Taylor was probably suffering from grief. Karlie fucked up so badly. She kept her tears back though, not wanting to make a scene.

"That's very unfortunate to hear. Thank you for your time, I've got to go now." Karlie said to the receptionist as she rushed out of the building and into her car once again.

Karlie wasn't sure where Taylor would be, so she tried driving to the singer's apartment.

After another century long car ride, Karlie ran up the stairs to door 13. She was out of breath as she knocked on the door frantically. Minutes had passed and there was obviously no one home, unless Taylor was choosing not to speak to Karlie at all.

Well, if she's not here, where else would she be?


2 hours earlier

Taylor had a gig at the coffee shop. She didn't really want to leave her safe apartment, but she knew it would be best not to cancel another gig.

Taylor grabbed her guitar and keys and left her apartment. After she put the guitar in the trunk, she headed to the café.

Maybe singing could help me get my mind off of Penelope and Karlie.


Karlie was sitting against Taylor's apartment door, thinking about all the wrong things she said. Then she thought back to a few days ago when she first heard Taylor sing. She remembered turning around and seeing Taylor's face for the first time. Then she thought about their first date when Taylor kissed her and  she kissed Taylor.

How did I manage to ruin this?

Karlie all of a sudden hopped up realizing where Taylor was.

The coffee shop! Of course!

Karlie ran to her car for the third time and made her way to the coffee shop.

By the time she got to the door, she could already hear Taylor singing.

I can fix this.

Karlie thought to herself as she opened to the glass door.

A/N: Sorry, this is kinda a cliffhanger, but WE ARE SO CLOSE TO 1K READS OMG! That's so crazy thank you so much everyone! Anyways, hopefully Karlie can fix this shit she made, will she be able to?

As always, thank you for reading!

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