Chapter 38

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"I'm pregnant, Karlie, and I'm fucking scared out of my mind."
The words rung in Karlie's ears. Taylor had tears in her eyes and she couldn't look at Karlie. She was so ashamed.

"How could you let this happen, Taylor? I don't understand." Karlie choked up. She couldn't believe this was actually happening.
"I'm an idiot, that's how."
"Taylor, why did you have sex with him?"
"Am I not allowed to have sex with other people? You broke up with me, remember?"
"Tell me how it happened."
"Karlie I-"
"Please, Taylor, I'm dying right now and I just need answers."
"Fine! You want fucking answers? I came here to get you back, but you were already long gone. I tried going to the coffee shop and Calvin happened to be there. He comforted me and then we had a little alcohol. I woke up in his bed the next morning. I don't remember a damn thing and I'm glad I don't."

"Taylor, don't you realize what a horrible man he is?"
"He's not all that bad."
"I'm just trying to make light of the situation."
"This isn't a situation where you should have to force yourself to be happy."
"Well I don't really have a choice, Karlie."
"Yes you do! Run away with me! I will raise this child with you. I will make you the happiest woman in the world. We will raise a beautiful child together, even if it is related to, him."

"Karlie, I can't."
"Why not? We can leave right now and never look back."
"I want to run away with you. Believe me, I do, but I can't. Calvin wants to be this child's father and he wanted to do the honorable thing."
"Yeah, but what about you? You aren't happy. You need to be happy."
"I don't give shit about my happiness, I just want this child to be raised properly."

"I can't believe what you're saying. This must be some kind of fucking nightmare." Karlie mumbled. Taylor was crying silently.
"Don't cry, Taylor. I hate it when you cry." She leaned over the table to wipe a few tears from Taylor's cheek.
"You're crying too." Taylor said defensively. Karlie wiped her own tears.
"Well I just lost the best thing that's ever happened to me, so I'm aloud to cry." Karlie said hopelessly.
"I did too."

Karlie looked at Taylor when she said this. She didn't realize that she was the best thing that ever happened to Taylor.
"Taylor, please."
"Karlie, I should go. Calvin will get...never mind, I just have to go."
"Wait, Calvin will get what? What will he do?"
"Nothing, it's not a big deal."
"Does he hit you?"
"No, but he yells sometimes." Taylor said casually as she stood up.

"Taylor, don't go."
"I have to, Karlie, I'm sorry. Here's some money for dinner. It was nice to see you." Taylor walked away, wiping more tears that were falling. Karlie stood up as Taylor was nearing the door.
"Wait, Taylor! Will I ever see you again?" Taylor didn't answer her, she left the restaurant.

Karlie could hardly breathe. Her life was over. Taylor wouldn't take her back, not because she didn't want, but because she couldn't. She was also absolutely disgusted that Calvin was intimate with Taylor. And she was completely horrified that Taylor was pregnant with his child. It was all wrong.


Karlie got home and sat on her couch with her head in her hands. This type of heartbreak was unbearable. The thought of never seeing Taylor again terrified her. Karlie got up and walked around her apartment to admire the photos of her and Taylor that she had hung up Each one represented a beautiful memory. They were memories that Karlie could never let go of.

How did I just let her go like that? Her whole life is planned now. Her fate is predicted. She is going to have a family with that horrible disgrace of a man. Why did I have to leave her in the first place? We loved each other we could have worked out a long distance relationship. Turns out it was all a scam. I'm so fucking stupid. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me.

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