Chapter 3

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She's busy, I'll just leave.

Karlie thought to herself as she was about the leave the coffee shop. She wanted to watch the Friends marathon anyway, so she decided she should leave for that reason too. Right as her fingers touched the glass door, a voice stopped her.

"Hey, excuse me?"
Karlie turned around immediately recognizing the beautiful voice.
"Yes?" Karlie asked in a friendly and confused tone.
"Are these your keys? If they are, you probably need them because...well you get into places." Taylor stated this in an extremely awkward manor but it was adorable to Karlie. Karlie was almost lost for words. She thought Taylor was too busy to notice something like that. But she didn't actually know Taylor, she felt like she did though.

"Yes, that is true and yes those are my keys." Karlie giggled. "Thank you so much, I would have totally left those there."
"Well, actually, I wanted to thank you for staying and watching me sing. Usually people leave after the first song and no one ever claps, but you did. So, thank you so much for that. It really means a lot to me." Taylor said shyly.

Oh my god, could she be any cuter?

"Why would I leave? I wanted my ears to be blessed by your heavenly voice."

Shit. Why did I say that? Ugh now she's gonna think I'm a freak

Taylor laughed in the most adorable way. "That's so nice of you to say! I'm Taylor by the way."
"Yes I know, I love that name!" Karlie said, feeling embarrassed after everything she says.
"Well you should thank my parents for that one!" Taylor giggled. She was surprised as to how easy the conversation was going. Taylor was a horrible conversationalist because she was so shy. She hated herself because of it. But this was a different experience for Taylor.

Karlie was laughing too. She felt bad for judging Taylor as someone who didn't have time for others. Maybe that Calvin guy is always hitting on her. It wasn't her place to judge.

"Can I buy you a coffee?" Karlie surprised herself when she asked this. "You don't have to do that!" Taylor said humbly. "I want to! It's the least I can do to repay you for that amazing performance. You are so talented, Taylor." Karlie was in disbelief as to how incredible it felt to say that name out loud for the first time. She wanted so badly for Taylor to accept her offer.

"You are so nice! I can't get over it! I would love that, but they close soon so I guess we better make it fast." Taylor said trying not to sound like she wanted to rush anything.

"Sounds like a plan, what would you like?" Karlie asked as she tried to hide her excitement. "I'll have whatever you have, I'm not picky." Taylor was all smiles. She found a table in the back of the café.

Karlie made her way to the barista with a huge grin on her face. She had such a large amount of butterflies in her stomach, it was hard for her to handle.

"I would like to order another macchiato please." Karlie said straight to the point. She found herself slightly despising Calvin.

"Yeah sure just give me a few minutes." Calvin stated in a rather rude tone. "And for the name, just put-"
"Taylor, I know" Calvin interrupted.
"Yeah, thanks." Karlie handed Calvin the money and walked back to the beautiful creature awaiting her.

"So tell me, Taylor, why aren't you famous?"
"Well, I've been asking myself the same question." Taylor answers sarcastically.
"Wow, someone's cocky, just when I thought you were so humble too." Karlie said playfully. Taylor was so perfect just sitting there. Her hair was perfect, her smile was perfect, her eyes, oh her eyes, they were so perfect too. Her blue eyes were so captivating, Karlie just couldn't look away. Karlie had trouble finding something imperfect about Taylor.

"So what brings you to a coffee shop at 9:15 at night?" Taylor asked. "Well it's funny you should ask that, it's a long story that I don't really want to get into. But I will say this, I was fired from my dream job today." Karlie said looking down at her coffee. "Aww I'm so sorry. That just sucks. But the good news is this: you came here instead of some bar and drowning your sorrows in alcohol. So kudos to you for that." Taylor stated hoping that she didn't offend Karlie in anyway.

Karlie didn't know how to respond to such an unexpected and perfect response from Taylor. She was so positive, just like Kalrie tries to be. She didn't want this night to end, but the café closed at 9:30 only giving her about 10 more minutes to talk to the most intriguing woman she has ever met.

"That's a good point, Taylor. You're positive, I like that, a lot." Karlie said as she noticed the singer starting to blush. "I try to be positive, my life could be a whole lot worse." Taylor explained.
"Wow, I say-"
"Taylor, macchiato." Calvin shouted from the register, interrupting Karlie, again.

"I'll get that for you." Karlie gets up and grabs the cup. She placed the cup in front of the gorgeous woman.

"Thank you so much!" Taylor sounded truly grateful and she was. The two girls continued there playful banter until Calvin interrupts them once again stating that the shop was closing.

Karlie helped Taylor with her equipment. They both walked to Taylor's car. Karlie placed everything carefully in the trunk, walking Taylor to the drivers seat.

"It was so nice meeting you, I hope we can go out properly some time." Taylor said not looking Karlie in the eyes due to her shyness.

Just do it, Karlie, ask her for her number. You've never been nervous to do this before. You can do it.

"Can I have your number? We can keep in touch that way." Karlie asked nervously. "Yes of course you can!" Taylor quickly pulled out a business card and handed it to Karlie.
"Tonight was so fun, Karlie, thank you for everything." Taylor said as she closed the car door. But right as Taylor said this, Karlie realized that she never introduced herself. She was so embarrassed. How could she be so stupid by not doing the simple task of just telling Taylor her own name.
"Wait how do you know my name?"
Taylor rolled down the window and said, "Your name was written on your coffee cup, silly." Taylor giggled as she drove away.

I've known Taylor for a little over an hour and I'm already in so deep.

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