Chapter 8

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The ride home was a quiet one, but comfortably so. Taylor would occasionally sing along to the radio, which Karlie found to be adorable. The girls never let go of each other's hands.

Once they arrived at Taylor's apartment complex, Karlie reluctantly let go of her hand. "Tonight was incredible, Taylor. I learned so much about you that made me like you even more. But you should definitely get some sleep, it's late."
"Good night, Karlie. Best first date ever." Taylor said with a huge grin.

A date? She considered this a date? How did I get this lucky?

Karlie thought to herself. She tried to keep it together and respond to Taylor.

"It really was. Good night, Taylor."

Taylor got out of the car and into the building. She was gone, just like that.

I miss her already.

Both girls thought at the same time.


Taylor was awoken by the sound of her alarm. She was exhausted, getting only about an hour of sleep. But it was all worth it.

Taylor wasn't sure if her and Karlie were technically "dating" yet, but she knew that her and Karlie's feelings for each other were mutual. She didn't want to rush into anything due to the failures of her previous relationships though.

Taylor always felt as though she fell in love with the wrong types of people. What are the odds of infidelity being the reason that all of your relationships end? Taylor was sick of the cycle repeating.

If she was going to be with Karlie, Taylor needed the reassurance that Karlie will remain faithful to her.

I don't regret kissing her, but maybe it was too soon. I'm not ready for a relationship yet.

Taylor thought as she packed her things and headed to work.


Karlie woke up at her own pace. Since she no longer had a job, she could basically do whatever she wanted. Karlie knew she should start job hunting soon, but she had been distracted for the past couple of days.

I bet Taylor's at work right now, making so many kids happy. I can't wait to see her again

Karlie was already infatuated with Taylor, and it had only been a few days of knowing her. Karlie decided to text her, even though Taylor wouldn't see it until she was finished at work.

Hey you! I miss you already. You should come over to my place tonight and I will attempt to cook for you. I'm much more of a baker though lol. Text me when you get a chance xoxo

Karlie couldn't stop smiling as she thought about the beautiful singer being in her own apartment.


Taylor had visited a few patients before she got to Penelope's room. She was so excited to see that little girl's smiling face.

As she entered the room, Taylor noticed the empty hospital bed. There was a nurse collecting a few things from the room.

"Um..excuse me, where is Penelope? You know, the girl who stays in this room." Taylor asked even though she was scared she already knew the answer.

"Are you Taylor?"
"Yes ma'am."
The nurse grabed a slip of paper out of the pocket of her scrubs.
" This is for you."
The nurse gave the note to her and left the room.

Taylor held the note in her hand as she stared at the empty bed. She didn't want to read it, knowing all too well what would be inside of it. Taylor decided to sit down and let everything soak in.

I need to read this. Bite the bullet, Taylor.

Taylor slowly opened the piece of paper with neat handwriting on the inside. She took a deep breath and read it.

Dear Taylor,
If you are reading this, then the cancer probably took over me and I'm gone. I know it's difficult to lose someone, it's happened to me before, but hear me out, I'm free now. You came in and sang your heart out to me almost everyday. You gave me hope when I had none. I could never fully thank you for that. I wish life didn't have to be like this, but it is, and it sucks. I'm sorry for leaving you like this. Please look out for all the other kids here, they  love you just as much as I do. Don't stop singing or writing music, you will make it someday, I promise. I love you, Taylor.

Taylor was shaking and sobbing hysterically. Penelope was dead and there was nothing she could do about it. Life was unfair. Taylor wanted to go home and shut herself off from the world. She hadn't felt a pain like this before.

Taylor made her way to the receptionist and told her that she was leaving for the day. The receptionist could see her tears and red eyes and immediately understood.

Taylor drove home with blurry vision from her tears. It was dangerous but Taylor was so broken that she didn't care.

By the time Taylor was at her apartment, she slammed the door shut and ran into her bedroom as she continued to cry for hours and eventually falling asleep.


It was six o'clock and Karlie still hadn't received a response from Taylor.

That's weird. Surely she would have seen my message by now. Was I being too confident? Did I say something wrong?

Karlie decided to text Taylor again.

Hey! I haven't heard anything from you yet. Do you want to come over to my place for dinner? No rush or anything but I want to start cooking before you get here so that the food will be ready. Text me back please xoxo

Karlie started pacing around her apartment. She didn't think she said anything wrong. Did she?

After two hours and no response Karlie gave up.

Guess that's it then.

Karlie thought to herself as her eyes began to water.


A/N: A lil drama coming up if you see where this is going. Sorry I know this chapter is pretty sad.

Anyways I just wanted to say that we are really close to 1k reads!!!! That's insane!!! Thank you all so much!!!

Thank you for reading!

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