Chapter 31

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Taylor opened her eyes to find herself next to ruffled up sheets. She was slightly disappointed to not be in Karlie's arms, but she suddenly heard clanking in the kitchen. Taylor then put on her glasses, slipped on one of her girlfriend's oversized shirts, and headed downstairs.

Karlie was attempting to make eggs, but she really wasn't much of a cook. She heard light footsteps coming down the stairs and she saw Taylor. Her hair was curly and she was wearing her big glasses. Karlie was still speechless at the sight of her.

"Good morning, Karlie."
"G-g-good morning." Karlie stuttered. Taylor didn't seem to notice as she walked closer into the kitchen.

"I see you are making some eggs." Taylor observed.
"Well...I'm trying to." Karlie said in a pitiful voice. Taylor giggled slightly as she turned back around to face Karlie.
"I can take over from here if you want."

Karlie walked closer to Taylor. She was taken away by her effortless beauty. Karlie leaned her forehead against her girlfriend's.
"I kinda want something else for breakfast actually." Karlie smirked. Taylor groaned as she back away from Karlie slightly.
"And just when I thought you were gonna say something sweet!" Taylor shouted playfully. Karlie was hysterically laughing at her own joke.

"C'mon! You gotta admit that was funny!" Karlie bargained. Taylor just rolled her eyes as she walked back up to Karlie.

"Fine, maybe it was."
"Did you want to actually-"
"Karlie! No!" Taylor chuckled. A small part of her did want to have sex with Karlie this morning, but she had other plans.
"Okay, fine." Karlie pouted. Taylor giggled and gave Karlie and big hug. She then kissed her on the cheek.

"How about we just have cereal?" Taylor offered. Karlie nodded as Taylor put everything together.


"So what's the plan for today?" Karlie asked as Taylor was applying her makeup in the bathroom mirror.
"Well...I was hoping we could go out and explore Nashville a little bit, and then see if there are any labels looking for a new artist. What do you think?" Taylor explained.
"I think it sounds absolutely wonderful! I'll go pack the guitar in the car. When will you be ready, baby?"
"Give me five minutes." Taylor stated as she kissed Karlie with her freshly painted lips.

The girls then drove only a few miles into the city. It was about noon. After parking the car, Karlie grabbed and carried Taylor's guitar as they interlocked hands. Karlie wanted to make sure that she was being as supportive as possible for Taylor, knowing how important these next couples of days would be for her career.

"Let's go there first." Taylor pointed to a building that looked to be rather dingy.
"Are you sure, Tay?" She asked. Taylor giggled and kissed Karlie's cheek.
"You can't judge a building by its exterior. C'mon, let's go!" Taylor exclaimed as she ran towards the building, dragging a chuckling Karlie.

Once they were at the door, Taylor hesitated to knock. It didn't really look like a building of business, but it did have a sign that said, Eggshell Records. Karlie looked at her questioningly.

"What's wrong, baby?" Karlie's asked. Taylor looked down at her feet before looking up at her girlfriend.
"I'm..nervous." Taylor admitted. She looked ashamed as she said it. Karlie couldn't stand to look at Taylor like this.
She began as Taylor continued to look down at her feet. Karlie used her finger to lift the singer's chin up.
"If they don't want you in their label, for some crazy reason, then we will move on. We will go to another place. I promise you we will not give up. This is your dream, Taylor, let's go chase it." Karlie hoped her little speech made an impact on Taylor, and it appeared that it had.

"I love you so much, Karlie Kloss." Taylor stated as she leaned in to kiss Karlie.
"I know you do, I love you too. Now go knock on the damn door!"

Taylor did as she was told. There was a long wait until someone finally opened the door. He was a man with shaggy hair and a scruffy beard. He appeared to be in his late thirties.

"Can I help you, ladies?" He asked. Taylor looked at Karlie momentarily for comfort before she responded.

"Um...yes. I was wondering if you would be interested in listening to a live demo that I wrote."
"What's your name?" The man asked, disregarding what Taylor had said.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Taylor, Taylor Swift."
"Well, Taylor, do you know who I am?" He asked. Taylor started to panick. She had no idea who this man was.

"Um..I'm so sorry, I don't know who you are." She said as lightly as she could. The man looked quite offended, however.
"I'm Liam Franks. You've never heard of Liam Franks? Are you fucking kidding me?" He spat. Taylor was absolutely terrified, she still had no clue who he was.

"No sir, I'm sorry."
"Get out of here, you don't even look like a musician anyways, you bitch."
Karlie couldn't take it anymore. She dropped the guitar case on the ground as she lunged at Liam for the hurtful things he said to the woman she loved. Karlie was stopped, however, by a teary-eyed Taylor. Her hands were gripping both of Karlie's forearms.

"It's not worth it, babe, let's just move on." Taylor explained. Liam just smirked as he slammed the door shut. Karlie then looked down at the guitar case that she had dropped.

"I'm sorry about that." Karlie said as she picked it up. She then gave Taylor a huge hug.
"I can't believe he said those things to you. None of it is true I can assure you of that." Karlie whispered into Taylor's ear. The singer just nodded as she wiped her eyes.

"It's ok, I'm fine. Let's just keep going." Taylor grabbed her girlfriend's hand as they went to the next building.


Five hours and sixteen door slams later, Taylor was ready to call it a day. Not a single person let her inside, let alone sing for them.

"I'm so fucking pissed." Karlie mumbled as she drove the two of them home. Taylor just stared out the window. She knew it was only the first day of many she would have to try to get herself out there in the music business, but all of the rejection still hurt her immensely.

Karlie moved one of her hands from the steering wheel to Taylor's thigh to confront her. She was more upset about it than Taylor was.
"Karlie, I'm ok. You don't need to be riled up by this. Tomorrow is a new day." Taylor said. Karlie looked over at her briefly, then back at the road. She shook her head.

"I can't stand to see you look so disappointed. It hurts me so much. I can't even imagine how you are feeling."
"I'm ok, baby, it's not a big deal. Let's just go home and have some dinner." Taylor suggested.


The girls laid in bed, facing away from each other. Karlie wanted to spoon Taylor, but something was stopping her. Karlie felt like everything was her fault, but she wasn't sure why.

Taylor laid there awake also. She couldn't sleep without touching Karlie anymore. She wasn't sure why her girlfriend wasn't cuddling her.

"Oh my god, Karlie, you make me do everything." She mumbled as she rolled over on top of Karlie. Taylor's face was laying on her chest. Karlie began to run her fingers over Taylor's back, relaxing both of them.

It was in that moment that they both realized that they could not live without each other.


A/N: Well well well...looks like we got ourselves some kandids even though it's been 84 year. We totally called this. Kaylor is real y'all!

 Kaylor is real y'all!

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