Chapter 16

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After the door slammed, it was dead silent in Taylor's apartment. She was speechless. Nothing went as planned. She wasn't expecting Karlie to show up after the emotional funeral she had gone to. She was planning to go to Karlie's apartment and break up with her there, hoping that she would accept the offer of still being friends.

Taylor knew it was necessary to end her relationship with Karlie. Although Taylor was happy with her, she knew that it would most likely end badly just like every other relationship she's had. She's protecting her heart. Taylor did the right thing. Right?


Karlie was expecting to be the happiest woman alive the next time she entered her apartment, but she was sadly mistaken. She was still in disbelief that Taylor actually broke up with her. Karlie had been in serval serious relationships and not a single one of those break ups hurt as much as this one. They had hardly been together for a week.

What the hell is wrong with me? It was probably the shortest relationship I've ever had. It's not worth the tears or anger.

She's not worth it.


Taylor finally began to clean up the broken glass. As she picked up the pieces, she instantly felt a sharp pain on her finger. She accidentally cut herself with the glass, and she wished it hurt more than it did. Taylor wanted anything to get rid of this pain she felt within her.

I ended it, not her. I shouldn't be heart broken, that's why I did it in the first place, to avoid the heart break. Why do I feel this way?

Taylor wondered to herself as she threw away all of the sharp pieces and rinsed her bloody finger under some cold water.

After she put a bandaid on her finger, she heard her phone buzz. A small part of her wanted it to be Karlie saying that is she wasn't going to let it be over, but that's just weird, right?

It was Calvin. Taylor groaned as she read the message.

Hey Taylor, I wanted to meet with you at the coffee shop again today. I promise it won't be like last time. I have things to discuss with you though.  Text me when you get a chance.

Taylor didn't really want to see him all that much after he acted aggressive towards her. Taylor knew that she should probably go though, maybe he was going to apologize.

Ok, I'll be there in thirty minutes.


Karlie was online looking at jobs when she felt her eyes flutter. It was only two in the afternoon, how could she already be tired? Karlie decided to go to the coffee shop.

Wait! What if Taylor's there?!

Karlie's thoughts stopped her. She was about to change her mind until she remembered that Taylor wasn't going to perform there today.

She's probably at home anyway, writing a shitty break up song about me.


Taylor entered the café and walked over to Calvin. He closed the coffee shop again, which annoyed Taylor for some reason. He smiled at her as he stood up and pulled the chair out for her to sit down.

That's something that Karlie would do.

Taylor cursed to herself for thinking that. She just wanted to get this little meeting over with anyway.

"So what did you want to talk about this time, Cal?" Taylor asked. Calvin looked her in the eyes as he responded.
"I'm really sorry about how I acted the last time we saw each other. I got extremely jealous and I took it out on you. I'm so sorry. Can you forgive me?" Calvin pleaded. Taylor was starting to get used to hearing apologizes. She nodded her head.

Why hold a grudge on an innocent man?

"Thank you, Tay. How is Karlie doing?" He asked nervously. Taylor was not expecting to hear him question her about Karlie.
"Um...well...she uh...we...we broke up." Taylor stuttered embarrassedly. She knew this would give Calvin some joy, but he didn't show it on his face.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that. Are you okay?" Taylor was shocked by his question. He sounded like he actually cared, for once.
"Um...I'm fine, I guess. I was the one who broke up with her." Taylor explained as Calvin listened intently. He moved his hand on top of Taylor's to show a sign of comfort. She didn't realize how much she needed it.

"Well, hopefully you made the right decision." He said.

It doesn't feel like I did, but I guess it was right. Right?

"Thank you, Calvin. You are so sweet." Taylor quickly reflected on the words she just said out loud. She could see the big smile Calvin had on his face after he heard her comment. Taylor suddenly felt uncomfortable and decided that she would leave.

"I'm gonna get going, I'm not feeling too well. Is that all you wanted to talk about? " Taylor asked as she stood up and grabbed her purse.
"Well...there was one more thing." Calvin said as he quickly walked over to her and cupped Taylor's face and kissed her. His grip was strong, but not painful. Taylor didn't really have a choice in this kiss. She closed her eyes waiting for it to be over. Taylor heard some chimes as she could feel Calvin pull away from her.

Thank god that's over.

She thought as she heard Calvin speak.

"Sorry ma'am, we're closed." Taylor turned around to find the person she least expected to see. Karlie looked shocked.

Shit, she saw us kiss.

"My mistake, sorry bout that." Karlie said as she ran out of the coffee shop in tears.

She was kissing Calvin! I'm gonna kick his fucking ass!
Karlie was enraged. She just wanted to punch something...or someone.

Taylor was still in shock as she made her way out, not even saying goodbye to Calvin. She hated him. Taylor was starting to finally think that he was nice, until the gross kiss they shared.

When Taylor arrived at her apartment, she went to bed crying. She was done for the day.

Little did Taylor know that Karlie was doing the exact same thing from her apartment.


A/N: Calvin just likes to ruin things, doesn't he? Well hopefully Taylor and Karlie will set aside their differences. Feel free to comment btw!! I love reading y'all's comments!!!

Thanks for reading!

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