I can feel pink raise up to my cheeks. "I like touching you like that," I say as I purposely run my hands against his hard abs, taking a quick peak at the girls as I do.

"We might need to sneak to our hotel room quicker than I thought," he says mischievously.

As we take a swim for another thirty or so minutes we walk out of the water. I run my legs across the warm sand while I wrap a sarong over my hips.

We make our way to the beach bar and I order a strawberry ice tea as I'm pregnant and can't drink. Sam does the same because he feels bad for me.

I smile. "You can drink, you know?"

He smiles back. "Why should I?"

Sam's hand rests on my thigh. I can't help but grin. Sam excuses himself to use the bathroom and in less then two minutes a guy walks over taking a seat at Sam's spot.

"Excuse me," I say tapping on his shoulder.

He turns to face me, as he takes his sunglasses off. "Yes?"

"Someone was sitting there," I say pointing at his spot.

"Is that so?" He replies. "How about I move when he comes back."

I nod not knowing what to say.

He winks at me. "What's your name, darling?"

I frown. I don't like anyone calling me darling other than Sam. "Violet," I reply hesitantly.

"The names Ronald," he says stretching his hand out.

I shake it, knowing not what to do. "It's nice to meet you," I say politely.

"I have to say you look gorgeous."

I freeze, when he makes that comment I begin to realise that perhaps he's flirting with me. I look around hoping to see Sam but he's still not back.

I smile awkwardly. "Thanks," I reply.

"Do you need another drink?" He asks pointing at my empty glass as I attempt to sip from the straw.

My head goes down to my glass realising its empty. I pull the straw away from my lips. "I'm fine, my husband will get me another."

His face registers surprise. "You're married?"

I nod. "Very much so."

He looks at my finger to see my ring before getting up.

It's at this moment that Sam walks over. He stands by my side as Ronald moves to the side. Awkward.

"Hey, you must be Violet's husband," Ronald says.

"That would be me," Sam replies shaking his hand.

The guy immediately walks away as Sam takes a seat. "What was up with him?"

I laugh. "I think he was flirting with me until he found out I was married."

Sam smiles. "Can't blame him, you're gorgeous. Although I did feel a tiny pang of jealousy."

I smirk. "You and jealous?"

"Only when it comes to you," he says in a flirtatious manner before ordering me another ice tea.

The sun hits against my legs as Sam and I make our way towards the hotel. "I need to wash the sand out of my hair," I say.

I hop in the shower allowing the warm water to run across my face. A huge grin spreading across my face. I can't help it. Today has been good and it's only the beginning.

I stand under the stream of the tap, just enjoying the water when suddenly Sam walks into the bathroom. "Ah hmm," I cough. "I'm naked here."

Sam smirks. "Nothing I haven't seen before."

He grabs the face wash as he lathers it up between his hands.

"Mind doing that later," I say.

"Nope, sorry," he replies while he looks up at the mirror in front of him, my naked body reflecting against the mirror. He smirks my way.

He rubs the face wash against his face, massaging it across before splashing water on his face and washing it off.

"Now will you get out?" I ask.

He walks up to the glass that's separating us and takes his shirt off. "Maybe I'll join you," he says.

I lift an eyebrow. "What! No, I'm having a shower."

He pulls the glass door open as steam hits his face. He pulls off his swimming trunks and takes a step in.

"Babe, are you serious?"

He smiles. "I wouldn't have taken off my clothes if I wasn't," he says as he leans into me.

I take a deep breath while he kisses the side of my neck. That's my weak spot and he knows it. He knows that he can shut me up if he kisses the side of my neck and that's exactly what he's doing.

I place a hand on his chest as I distance him away. I hand him the shampoo. "Your hair."

He grabs the shampoo and places it on the side. "You can't avoid me."

"Why is it you always feel flirty when you're in the shower? You always ruin my showers."

He smirks. "Water against your naked skin is a turn on," he whispers into my ear during which he runs his fingers across my belly. A shiver runs down my spine from his touch.

He grabs my thigh and pulls me closer, away from the stream of water. He leans me against the tiled wall and kisses me slowly, his left hand grasping my thigh and his right travelling down my body. The sensation is unreal. I almost let him, my eyes close as I feel the moment. It takes over ten minutes for me to realise that I came to have a shower.

"Sam, you're distracting," I say against his lips as he kisses me.

He pulls his head back to look at me. "Good."

I smile. "I really need a shower."

He grabs the soap off the soap holder and lathers it up against the exfoliating glove before rubbing it against my skin.

"I can do that myself," I say.

He smiles. "I know but I love running my hand across your naked body."

So I say nothing allowing him to run the glove across my body, sometimes roughly and sometimes softly especially around my belly area. He even throws in a few kisses here and there and then goes for the shampoo, lathering it up against my head. His fingers massaging my scalp.

He rubs some shampoo against his hair as well and then pulls us both under the stream of water as it washes the shampoo away.

After we finish, I grab a towel and wrap it around my body while Sam wraps his around his hip.

I tuck the tip of the towel in to make sure it doesn't fall. Suddenly Sam lifts me up.

"What are you doing?" I say kicking my legs in an attempt for him to put me down.

He drags me out of the bathroom and lightly places me on the bed before climbing on top. My breath catches and with one quick motion he drops his towel on the floor.

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