Superwholock part 5

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So here is part five!! Enjoy!!

"Oh that's new." The Doctor said in his Scottish accent.
"Yeah turns out my mom was an angel, queen of the water ones, an elemental one." You said.
"But the water ones they're extinct, which means......... Oh, oh I'm so, so sorry." He said realizing that you both were the last of your kind.
You walked in to sherlocks flat, you almost fell on the floor laughing at their reactions to your wings. Cas was confused and slightly worried, Dean and Sam looked amazed, Sherlock seemed like he didn't care, John looked intrigued, and Donna was about to burst from excitement.
"Your majesty, good to have you back." Cas said with respect.
"Please I'm still little old (y/n) no need for formalities." You said.
"Ok am I the only one seeing wings and is that a dress?!" Dean asked very exasperated.
"No Dean we can all see her wings, those are Royal robes, your sister is the queen of the elemental water Angels." He replied.
"So let's get back to the topic at hand, new plan of action. Yes?" Sherlock said with a cruel smirk.
"Yes of course," The Doctor started, " How about we split up and each take on a certain enemy."
"I like it." You said. And it was decided you and The Doctor would be a team and take on the weeping angels and Vashta Nerada, Dean and Cas were a team and we're taking on the Hell Hounds, Sam and John were a team and would handle the cyberman, finally Sherlock,  Donna, and Jack were a team and would handle Moriarty. 
Currently you all were appropriately separated into teams and ready to take on your selected enemy. You and The Doctor had already taken on and won the Vashta Nerada now you were searching for the weeping angels and meet the others at the rendezvous point.
"Look Doctor over there." You whispered as you pointed to the angel statues.
"Yep that's them remember don't blink. If you absolutely have too the one eye at a time." He commanded.
"Yessir." You joked. He smirked and you both walked over to them ready to end this terrorization. He brought out the mirror and you prepared the spell Castiel taught you.
You approached them and started to speak your thoughts to action, completely focusing you brought the water from the ground and wove it into the cracks already forming on the Angels arms. Soon enough they were blasted to bits, but unfortunately The Doctor was too close to them and a huge chunk of rock met his stomach knocking him off his feet. You picked him up and teleported you both to sherlocks flat, where everyone had already met up. You placed him gently on the floor as he balled into a fetus position from the immense pain in his abdomen. He groaned and you shooed everyone but Castiel away. You both worked on him draining you the most. You took on his pain to relieve him from it. Castiel carried him to the bed you were using in the flat above Sherlock's. Castiel then came back and brought you to the same bed because there was no more room. Castiel soon disappeared to Deans room. You soon fell asleep despite the agonizing pain in your midsection. You woke to a hand placing a cool wash cloth on your forehead. You groaned and wiped the light from your eyes. Your (e/c) eyes met the familiar brown ones that belonged to the doctor. You sat up forgetting the pain. Unfortunately for you the pain remembered and came back with twice the furry.
"Whoa whoa, (y/n), you have three broken ribs two bruised and your liver was punctured. Of course you'll heal faster because your an angel, but it will still take about a week." He said in a smith voice.
"It's fine." You croaked.
"But I should be the one in that bed with all of those injuries." He complained.
"Your worth it, say when I can actually get up how would you feel about traveling with the last water elemental queen angel? Hm?" You asked cheekily.
"That sounds great your majesty." He replied with a soft smile.
I'm not dead!!!!! Just lazy! Sowwy it took so long it's my fault no excuses! But I would like to point out that tomorrow end of year testing season  starts. This school year has gone by super fast,  for me at least. But, back on topic I want to thank you for being patient and I love you all! Byesssssss!

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