Gabriel x reader

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Request: Gabriel x reader.
    You were in the bunker bored and wanted something to do. "I'm hungry." You said to yourself. "I think we have some cinnamon rolls. Mmmmmmm cinnamon rolls!" You went to the kitchen and plugged your phone into the speaker, Lollipop came on and you got to work. You were just preheating the oven and a certain sweet angel popped up behind you almost earning a left hook.
       "Hello my dear, whatcha cooking?" Gabriel asked as innocent as he could sound.
        "Somethin' sweet." You replied smugly. "Sucking to hard on a Lollipop, Loves gonna get cha down." You sang with the music.
        "Say love, say love, oh loves gonna get cha down." He sang after. You continued to sing ignoring him. You put the cinnamon rolls in the oven and started stirring the icing. You turned around looking at your angel noticing be actually had a lollipop. You took the sucker out of his mouth and put in yours. "Your such a tease, (y/n)" He said with the most adorable puppy face.
         "Thanks Gabe!" You replied still licking the lollipop. He picked you up by your hips and placed you on the counter. Standing in front of you. "To much candy gonna rot your soul." You said matter a factly. This time he chuckled and took the lollipop out of your mouth and replaced it with his. You smiled into it tasting his sweet lips. Just then the oven beeped signaling that the cinnamon rolls were done. You hopped off of the counter and pulled them out. You then got a butter knife and iced them. Occasionally you may or may not have flung icing on him. You took one and began pulling pieces of and eating it. Gabe grabbed one and did the same, both of you seeing who would call uncle first. You licked your lips, and he was definitely staring at them.
  "I can't anymoreeeeeee," he whined "(y/n)" you smiled kissing him roughly on the lips tugging at his bottom lip. Then you ran up to your room. "OOOH your gonna get it now." He cried. You squealed, and in the kitchen your phone continued to loop lollipop and the cinnamon rolls were left on the counter. I'm sure you can guess what happened next ;).
//A/N// so this was my first request I hope you like it Supernatural_squad   So yeah sorry it's so short. I also want to thank everyone who is reading this and I encourage you to comment. I do take requests just give me a character and plot and I'll get to it. Thanks guys. Byesssssss //

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