Tag Questions

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Okay so Cas_fangirl_14  tagged me this thing this morning and gave us some questions to answer and I have to ask the people I tag some questions so yeah here are the rules:
#1: Tag 10 peeps
#2: 5 facts about muah (me)
#3: ask y'all some questions (12)

Facts about yours truly:
#1: blue has always been my favorite color
#2: I want to be an actress
#3: I read a lot like I mean a lot
#4: I love music I play the piano and I sing
#5: I really love your comments they crack me up and are really encouraging ❤️😊

Okay now onto the questions Cas_fangirl_14 asked:
#1: superpower: um I think I would like something like The Doctor has were I can cheat death.
#2: favorite color: blue or TARDIS blue
#3: favorite family member: my dad because he's just really awesome and I love him.
#4: hot or cold weather: cold I love cold weather.
#5: secret talent: probably writing I would always come up with ideas and I never acted on them till this book.
#6: relationship?: if middle aged actors and fictional characters count yes. If not then haha your funny. So yeah no relationship single as a pringle.
#7: 2013 fav song: um 2013 mashup by anthem lights.
#8: Change my name: um something exotic because I think my name is a bit domestic.
#9: marry or save character but you die or don't see them again: I would marry them then be gone 😢
#10: speak German or learning?: nope I can speak extremely little Spanish and whatever Latin I've sang in language pieces.
#11: gold or silver: gold I've always liked how warm it is.
#12: fave question: hot or cold weather because I honestly wasn't expecting a question like that.
Okay time for my questions thank you Cas_fangirl_14
#1: what is your favorite tv show?
#2: who is your celebrity crush?
#3: favorite food?
#4: favorite book?
#5: favorite superhero?
#6: favorite song?
#7: favorite vacation spot?
#8: gamer or nah?
#9: talent?
#10: fandom gear?
#11: hobbies?
#12: favorite color?
Alright we got that done here are the lucky candidates to answer my lame questions:
There you go guys mine was not fantastic so if you want a better easier to understand rule list check out Cas_fangirl_14 she was neater than me and her book is pretty fab too! So I hoped you enjoyed learning a bit more about me and have fun answering those questions! Byesssss

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