10th Doctor x angel reader

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/A/N/ I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a long time I have like 349 reads and I am FREAKING out because that's just awesome!!! So thank you so much!! Um yeah I know another Doctor one but no one has requested and I've been reading some really good Doctor who fanfics pm me if you wanna know what they are anyway enjoy!!//
    You were sitting in the backseat of the impala while Sam, your brother Cas, and Dean where talking to a strange man with a blue police call box. He was very handsome and your vessel blushed when you looked at him. Trinity, your vessel and new best friend, was telling you to talk to him. She had welcomed you to her body and you were grateful, she stayed with you constantly helping you understand human things and giving you pushed in the right direction. "You just got to be brave, he looks like such a nice person, and I wanna know what that police box is." She said. (In your head, cause you know she can't talk aloud.) "But Castiel told me to stay in the car." You replied. "You always do what he and the brothers say, go live a little." She said quite literally pushing you towards him she had a very strong will. You felt drawn to him like other than trin pushing you something was pulling you. As you got closer a golden hue surrounded him almost bathing him in its light. He was talking to Dean and stopped mid sentence looking at you with big brown eyes. Oh his eyes so old, wise and yet filled with the joy of a child on Christmas.
   "Wow." You both breathed. Cas turned around to see what The Doctor was staring at. His face met yours and he looked like he had seen the most beautiful thing in his life. Cas had a confused look on his face as well as the Winchesters.
"Who are you?" The Doctor asked.
"(Y/n)" you replied sheepishly.
"What are you?" He asked with the same tone of awe.
"I'm an Angel of The Lord." You replied as your cheeks tinted slightly more red.
"That explains the wings." He said nonchalantly.
"Wait hold up you can see (y/n)'s wings?" Dean asked kinda ruining the moment.
"Yeah, there the most beautiful shade of blue I've ever seen." The Doctor replied, "Can't you? There so big and well excuse me but absolutely gorgeous." You blushed a deep red at that.
"Thank you. If you don't mind my asking what are you? You glow like literally, you have this golden glow I've never seen before." You ask shyly.
"I'm a Time Lord, from the planet Gallifery." He said rather sadly.
"Oh," you started oddly upset more than usual at his sad tone," I didn't mean to pry."
"No don't worry about it." He replied the happy smile showing again.
"I don't mean to ruin the moment but if you can see (y/n)'s wings doesn't that make (y/n) your soulmate?" Sam asked no one in particular.
"Yeah typically you see a cloud of shimmery stuff or their actual wings." Castiel replied.
"That black cloud is your wings? I thought you just had a literal cloud over your head." Dean said making Cas blush..... Hard.
"So I'm your soulmate?" The Doctor asked, "And your my soulmate?"
"I suppose, but that doesn't explain the gold around you." You say.
"Maybe because I don't have wings, obviously, you see my regeneration energy." He replies running a hand through his spiky hair.
"Man I wanna run my well your fingers thought that hair" Trinity said in your head.
"Hush I'm trying to concentrate." You reply.
"Yeah your concentrated all right, remember I can read your thoughts." She snapped back.
"Sorry geez." You say.
"Ok makes sense." You say aloud.
"So what now?" He asks.
"We could get to know each other better?" You suggest.
"So like a date?" He asks a cheeky smile gracing his face.
"You better say yes." Trinity pipes up.
"Sure," you say answering Trin and The Doctor, "It's a date!"
Dean and Cas were still trying to figure out why Dean could see Castiel's wings and Sam had long since left for the motel. So you and The Doctor went out on the first of many dates and eventually adventures as you became his companion.

/A/N/ so I am sorry again that I haven't updated in a while school and lack of ideas and laziness being the main reasons. I hope you enjoyed it and as always read, comment, enjoy. Byesssss

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