Castiel x Reader

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    You were in your room listening to music and contemplating life, you know like every young adult should. Actually you were thinking about Castiel recently your brothers let you meet their angle friend after basically keeping  him from you for a long time now. When you first saw him you only saw his magnificent wings they weren't any color you had seen before, they were black but they weren't, they were blue but they weren't, they were charcoal but they weren't. You could only see them and how beautiful they were. You distinctly remember his expression on seeing you. He looked so confused and in awe. He later told you that you were radiant, almost glowing. You blushed at the memory. He consumed your every thought. Dean and Sam almost didn't exist it was Castiel and you, your own little world. You found out that when you see an Angels wings you are their soulmate and vice versa. It made total sense even though you had just met him you felt a connection, like you wanted to jump in his arms and stay there forever. You were brought back to reality by an awkward cough from Sam.
       "Yes?" You asked taking out one of your headphones.
         "Do you want to come on the hunt, we have a lead. If you don't want to that's fine you can stay, I understand you're kinda overwhelmed right now." He said regarding the whole soulmate thing.
          "No it's cool what are we ganking this time?" You asked
           "We think it might be a vampire nest but we aren't sure. Oh and Cas is gonna be there, just thought you might want to know that." Sam said with a small smile.
            "Okay, how much time I need to shower and pack." You replied calmly even though your head was screaming. Every time you thought about Cas or someone said his name you freaked out on the inside. Dang I have it bad, You thought.
              "We're leaving tonight so you have plenty of time." Your brother replied casually.
               "Thanks see you later." You said leading him out of your room to get ready. You packed some sweat pants and graphic tees' just in case the hunt goes longer than anticipated. You then plug your phone in to charge and play Halo by Beyoncé while you shower. After getting out you change into some dark wash jeans, combat boots, a white tank top, and a red flannel. You unplug your phone grab your headphones and charger. You pull your hair into a messy bun and grab your duffel bag throwing your charger and headphones in.
          "Finally (y/n) what took so long?" Dean asks.
      You shrug " I don't know, I just wanted to be clean unlike some people." You said with a pointed look to your oldest brother. He shrugged not caring. "So when's Cas coming?" You ask more excited then you meant to sound.
          "Just got to pray for him. Who's doing the honors?" Sam asked looking at you and Dean.
         "Why don't you give it a shot (y/n)?" Dean asks. Causing you to blush.
          "Mmmk, I'll try." You start, "Um hey Castiel if you can hear me wanna come down and help us on a hunt? Please?" You add at the last minute.
            "Hello (y/n)." Cas says from right behind you. You jump a little still not used to seeing his magnificent wings.
            "H, Hey." You swallow the lump that's formed in your throat. "Wow." You breath out staring at his wings. "May I?" You ask reaching your hands out to touch them.
            "Yes, but please be careful." He replies. You reach out and glide your hands over his beautiful wings, they were so soft and they shone like the sun every time you touched them. You sighed out of content. You covered your mouth of embarrassment and blushed more, if that was possible at this point. Cas too was blushing and looked down at you with the most adoring and beautiful smile.
             "Ahem." Dean cleared his throat obviously seeing this as an awkward situation. Sam just elbowed him roughly in the side. All you cared about was Castiel and you were all he cared about. All that mattered was him, you barely knew him yet it felt like you had been best friends since the dawn of time, every time he smiled or blushed you thought your heart would burst. Every time you giggled or smirked his knees turned to jelly. It was so painfully obvious that you two were meant to be. He was your saving grace, he was your angel. You were his halo shinning like all of the stars in the sky together. It was just that simple.
/A/N/ So I had really great inspiration for this and I heard this song on pandora and decided to use it. I hope you enjoy I might do a part two but I'm not sure yet. Sorry it's so long. Um yeah that's it byesss.

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