Jensenx reader

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/A/N/ so I'm gonna try something interesting I was listening to Pandora and the 'he went to Jared' commercial came on and I cracked up and got the idea to write this.
You were on set fixing to go to Jensen's trailer to hang with him and misha and Jared. You were developing a crush on Jensen and you were having trouble keeping your inner fangirl cool. "Great job (y/n), that's a rap for today, remember call time is 5am you need to be here at 2." The director called. You thanked him and said your good byes and headed to your trailer to change and clean your face as it was full of the fake blood. As you walked to the dress trailer to turn in your clothes you overheard J2 and misha talking.
"I'm telling you Jared she's gonna be upset, I know she doesn't like me." Jensen said with remorse.
"Calm down Jen, I've never seen you so worked up about a girl." Misha replied.
"Yeah," Jared started"And everyone has seen the way she looks at you!"
"I guess, but I mean our friendship is so amazing and I don't want to make it awkward and screw it up." Jensen all but cried. "I mean maybe I should just keep our friendship the way it is."
"No," Misha cut him off, "You already bought the necklace."
"Man up dude." Jared added
"Come on she's gonna be here any minute." Jensen said leading the guys to his trailer.
Wait was someone else gonna be there? I was sure Jensen said it was gonna be just us and Jared and Misha............ ME?! he likes me??? You thought while walking to the dress trailer and handing in your costume and giving your brown contacts to make up. Well at least I have time to think. What am I thinking? Im totally know I'm gonna say yes. You walked to Jensen's trailer and paused, should I change? You looked down at your supernatural sweat pants and a shirt Jensen had given you of his a while ago. Eh oh well, plus she would be suspicious of I wore anything nicer. You shake your head to clear your thoughts.
"Now or never, I guess." You whisper to yourself. You decide to act like you hadn't heard them earlier, you didn't want to ruin Jen's surprise. You walk in and are greeted with j2 and Misha sitting on Jensen's couch watching Doctor who reruns, eating the pizza that sat on the coffee table. "Hey guys!" You greet cheerful as normal.
"Hey (y/n)!!" Misha said as he sat up and moved to the floor giving you a seat by Jensen.
"What's the plan guys?" You ask siting down by Jensen and blushing again. You swore you could just look at him and blush. "Jensen can you do me a favor?" You ask.
"Um ok?" He answered
"Look at me." You say and he does.
"Gah, your eyes are so beautiful, what even? They're like green and blue and brown and just gorgeous." You say holding him face and staring into his eyes. It was his turn to blush.
"Th, thanks," he stuttered,"Um (y/n), I um wanted to know-"
"Yes." You interjected "Yes, Yes, Yes,Yes!" You squealed.
"Um that's great congrats and all but how did you know the question?" Misha asked from his place on the floor.
"Jensen's eyes," you reply, "They said it all." Jensen then kissed your cheek and you snuggled into his chest.
"Oh and (y/n) I have something for you." He said and put the necklace on you. It was beautiful, silver chain and a heart pendent with a green gem in the middle to match his eyes.
"I love it!" You exclaim snuggling closer to Jensen (if that was possible).
"Alright, guys it's late and we got to be up and in the dress trailer by 2:00 in the morning." Jared said and got up with Misha to leave. Before Misha shut the door he winked at Jensen, which made you both blush heavily.
"Do you mind if I stay?" You ask.
"Sure but we'll have to share a bed." He said sheepishly.
"That's the idea, Jen." You said as you sauntered off to his room and laid down. Jensen looked surprised and walked to his room in a daze not able to fathom that he had gotten you. He laid in bed and snuggled with you as you fell asleep. "I'm so glad you you went to Jared." You said before drifting off to a peaceful sleep.
/A/N/ so what do you think? It's not a request and I'm working on that don't worry. But I want to know if maybe you guys wanted me to do actors and characters or just keep it characters. So comment, request, and enjoy. Byesssssss

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