Crowley x reader

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/A/N/ so this is another request hope you like it. Dedication at the end! Thanks for reading enjoy!!!!//
You were walking to your room in hell, ignoring the screams and sounds of torture. When you went to open your door you found a sticky note that read, hello (y/n), if your reading this I'm off doing 'stuff' any way I won't be home for a while. So see you later,
Love, Crowley.
Huh that's interesting, you thought. You went into your room and showered. By the time you were out your stomach was growling angrily, demanding food. You headed out to the kitchen in search of food. Some of Crowley's Demons asked if you wanted help but you waved them off saying you could get it yourself. You walked in and Crowley was there looking at fabric? That's weird, eh I've seen weirder shit. He quickly hid it from you, but not before you saw flower samples as well. What the? "You feeling ok there Crowley?" You asked
"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" He asked a little harshly.
"No reason......" You replied. You got some leftover pizza and just ate it cold.
--------------------LATER THAT DAY-------------
You were headed back to your room after a training session. You found a pile of heart shaped chocolates on your bed with yet another sticky note, lately they had been everywhere. This one read, hello darling thought you might like something sweet after working so hard! Love Crowley. What the hell was going on? Crowley was never this weird, flower samples, cloth samples, chocolates, and sticky notes with love letters on them? Something was up and you didn't know if it was the hunter in you or just plain human curiosity but you were gonna find out. You took a shower and put on black leather leggings and a loose, long white shirt. You pulled your (hair color) hair into a messy bun. When you walked back into your room you saw blood red rose petals leading outside your door, you slipped on some black ballerina flats and followed the rose petals. They lead you to a beautiful open area with a table for two, cream table cloth, salmon roses, and lots of lanterns strung around the room. You let out a low whistle.
"Wow." You exclaimed. "This is beautiful!"
"Glad you like it." Crowley whispered in your ear coming up behind you. He lead you to the table and pulled your chair out for you. You say and ate dinner. "So wanna tell me what this is about?" You ask gesturing to everything around you.
Crowley scratched the back of his neck before answering "Well I have feelings for you and I thought it best to give you a proper date." He explained.
"Well Crowley, I have feelings for you too." You reply. Crowley starts to grin like crazy.
"Be my queen?" He asks.
"You know it!" You say.
/A/N/ so this was my first Crowley imagine I'm not to proud of it I hope you liked it. This is dedicated to HRKingston thank you for the request!
Remember comment, request, and enjoy. Byessssss

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