Superwholock part 4

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/A/N/ major feels warning or maybe not ehehehe I'll never tell!!! Maybe or may not be a part 5. I gave y'all an adorable part 3 so here's where mini moffat comes in.
You and Donna were sitting with the guys coming up with a plan of action. Eventually you came up with the idea of you with the Doctor, Donna with Sherlock Sam with John and Dean called Castiel down to help. So you were with the Doctor walking casually down London's streets when all of the sudden a blood curdling scream was heard.
Funny how it always starts with a scream.
You and The Doctor run towards the cringing sound. When you get there you see a metal man with two shadows, hear a snarl, and see what you assume is a weeping angel. So naturally you keep your eyes as wide as you can. While The Doctor gets his sonic out shutting down the cyberman and the Vashta Nerada use it as a way to talk to you two.
"Did you miss me?" They repeated over and over. You thought you were doing pretty well considering that you were basically going against all of them. Just as your confidence was at a heigh you forgot about the Hell Hounds. You hear a loud barking and feel a white hot pain fill your midsection.
Fear of death is often very frequent, for people of all ethnicities, all races, everyone really. Pain can cause such inability to see or think clearly.
You hear the doctor call out to you, and all of the light seems to dim as the world around you slows to a stop. You relax appreciating the small white feather that landed on your eyes. Soon you feel your head in someone's lap and a call of a familiar name. Your eyes start to blacken around the edges. You feel your dead weight lifted and muffled voices. The last sentence you hear is, "Stay strong, for me, please (y/n), don't leave me, I have so much more to show you." The Doctor said stroking your soft hair and choking back tears. With that the blackness engulfed you.......
/A/N/ hahahahahahaagahahahahagahag byessssss!!!

Just kidding I'm not that mean I promise!!!!!
When people are unconscious they can hear and feel in a subconscious way, they feel and have very vivid dreams.....
You were unconscious that's what you figured you hadn't died yet from what Dean and Sam told you of the pit you weren't there. You felt a change, like you were in surgery but you felt no pain. Like someone was healing you. But something felt not right. It felt like you had more bones than normal. Extra limbs?? No not quite but whatever it was that were doing felt very different.
----------third person-----------
Castiel took (y/n) to heaven in hopes that they could help her. She was too far gone to be helped by him. Dean, Sam, Sherlock, Donna, John, and The Doctor were sitting in Sherlock's parlor drinking tea and trying to stay as calm as possible. Sherlock had even let out a tear or two, The Doctor had retreated to the TARDIS once or twice not being able to hold it in. Sam was in shock as well as Donna. Dean, well Dean was livid he was ready to "gank these basterds" as he so eloquently said. After the Hell Hound basically impaled you the aliens and Hell Hound made there exit. The Doctor informed Sherlock of Vashta Nerada's message to which Sherlock went into one of his moods, thinking of how Moriarty was able to do this.
"Castiel how did this happen?" Gabriel asked.
"Hell hound, and no she hasn't made any deals at all they have apparently made an alliance with several aliens." Castiel replied.
"She will be fine, although you knew that the minute you made the decision." Gabriel said.
"I did it to save her life, I didn't have time to ask permission." Castiel countered.
"Well just hope she doesn't get mad, we all know how much of a fire cracker (y/n) is, that's why most angels stay away from her." Gabriel said. You woke up in a long cream colored  flowy gown (picture below).

-------------------------------------------------------You saw a pair of golden heals and you felt a golden crown on your head

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You saw a pair of golden heals and you felt a golden crown on your head. You hair was curled into loose ringlets, and you felt like you had a glow about you that was never there before. You walked over to a mirror and did a double take at what you saw. You still had your (h/l) (h/c) hair, your (e/c) eyes but they seemed to sparkle more than usual, and your body was the same but all of your cuts and scars were gone leaving practically glowing skin, last but not least you had wings, huge sea green wings. Whenever you moved you saw them shimmer, you didn't know how you hadn't noticed them before. You were a bit weirded out at first but then thought of how beautiful they were and how absolutely wonderful you felt, you were a flipping angel.
You walked out of your room after slipping on the heels, surprisingly comfortable heels. You happened to actually bump into Castiel whom you were looking for.
"So I'm an angel now?" You asked.
"Yes, actually an elemental angel, you are from a long decent of the water Angels your mother who gave you too the Winchesters was the queen of them, which gave you rights to the thrown. We were able to awaken your elemental powers therefor saving your life, but as a side effect your natural body came through." He explained. You didn't question it since you saw the wings for yourself.
"Ok then, does this mean I'm gonna have heavenly business all the time?" You asked with a hugh.
"No, because you are the last water angel and as far as we know the only elemental to be found at the moment." Castiel replied. You felt a pang of hurt when he mentioned you were the only water angel left, granted you didn't even know who they were heck you didn't even know your own mother. But it still hurt to know you were on your own.
"Ok thanks then, how long have I been out?" You asked.
"You have been in a coma of sorts for about three days." He replied.
"How do I get back to The Doctor?" You ask. Castiel took note that you wanted to see the Doctor first.
"Think of where you want to go and imagine flying there."  He said, "it's very hard on the first try since you don't know what it feels like to fly."
"So can my wings flap? Like can I fly that way too?" You ask.
"Yes but it's faster to teleport." He says.
"I'll fly to them then." You say full of confidence.
"Ok as you wish." He says.
It takes a lot of try's but eventually you got off the ground. You kick off the golden shoes and put them into a satchel along with the other dresses you 'borrowed' from the room you were in. You snuck a pair of shorts underneath the dress you were wearing now because well you weren't exactly that all.
Soon enough you saw the Doctor walking out of his TARDIS and you accidentally fell on him. He caught you with his body. And you saw his red eyes and puffy cheeks. He looked so startled then started laughing first it was because of the situation then in relief that you were ok. He then started staring intently to your right and left. Then he looked into your eyes with an eyebrow raised. Your ready to face palm when you remember your wings he's staring at your wings.
"Oh that's new." He said in his Scottish accent.
"Yeah turns out my mom was an angel, queen of the water ones, an elemental one." You said.
"But the water ones there extinct, which means......... Oh, oh I'm so, so sorry." He said realizing that you both were the last of your kind.
/A/N/ So this really is the end of this chapter. There will be a part 5  is that what we're on now? Geez I'm dragging this out. So what did you guys think??? Also as a side note I was wondering if you mind if sometimes I have an update that's pure Doctor who or Pure Sherlock or something else that's not supernatural every now and then please comment what you think! And please as always comment, read, and enjoy!!!!!!!! Byesssssssssssss(for real this time lol)

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