Yay!!!! Another tag

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Kk lets get started I was tagged gonna answer dah questions and gonna ask some of mah own!
Questions asked by HRKingston :
#1: apocalypse plague or zombies? Honestly plague zombies FRIEK me out.
#2: red or blue? TARDIS blue all the way!!
#3: Time or space travel? Both.
#4: Castiel, Balthazar, or Gabriel? Castiel.
#5: save the loved one or the world? Although I love my loved one they would want me to save the world so world.
#6: characters be real or you in their universe? Me in their universe.
#7: angel or demon? Angel.
#8: metetron or dick? Um dick cause metetron was a dick.
#9:grocery money for family or solo vacation? Money for my family.
#10: my best quality? My ability to make lasting friends.
#11: horror or action? Both? Isn't that supernatural summed up?
#12: favorite chocolate? Dark I love dark chocolate.
#13: if I were given everything to solve ONE world problem what would it be? Um that's tough I would say government problems (not dystopian hunger games divergent government)
K I believe it's my turn my questions 😏:
1: if you have read my book what's your favorite chapter? If not then what's your favorite book on wattpad?
2: Dean or Sam?
3: Castiel or lucifer?
4: fuzzy socks or no?
5: does supernatural have a GIF for everything?
6: 10th or 11th Doctor?
7: music? (Just listen? Or do you play an instrument?)
8: favorite question?
9: ghosts or ghouls?
10: favorite season of supernatural?
11: is love real or not?
12: crush right now or not?
13: favorite celebrity OTP?
My victims:

Enjoy my lovelies 😎😘

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