Superwho 10th doctor x reader

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/A/N/ so I'm going to try little superwho and superlock and things like that I'm thinking of writing a Doctor who imagine book but I'm going to wait till I get more imagines in this book first. Just as a side note italics mean the TARDIS is talking to you. And bold is you thinking./ /

You heard the familiar hum of the TARDIS, wait I'm not watching Doctor Who. Is it really what I think it is? You thought. You ran out of the motel room. "Is this what I think it is?" You ask yourself. Yes. What I didn't say anything. I am the TARDIS (y/n) Winchester. This is so cool, is The Doctor here? Yes, he is fixing to walk out, I would step back if I were you. Thanks, will do. You step back heading the TARDIS warning.
"Your the Doctor." You say breathlessly. I mean dayum I knew he was hot but in person gah! I can still hear you yah know! Oooo sorry that was probably pretty nasty wasn't it? Eh I've heard worse. I have all knew respect for you. Why thank you! By the way you should probably talk to him. Yeah that would be smart. I'm right here if you need to swoon. Cheeky thing. You smirk then realize the Doctor had asked you a question. "Oh sorry could you repeat that I was talking to the TARDIS." You say as calmly as possible. I'm gonna explode, that's it bye bye world. Calm down he likes you. WHAT!? Keep it down will you geeez that was loud! Oh sorry but can you repeat that? Yes, sigh, he likes you too in his exact thoughts were 'wow she's pretty, not now Doctor come on are you seriously falling for her you just met' Squeel!!! Do I need to push y'all together his question was how do you know about us and why you look like your gonna explode. Kay I'm gonna talk to him now ugh I'm so gonna embarrass myself. "So um your the Doctor, I'm (y/n), and I know because I've been talking with your TARDIS, by the way she's a beaut'" you say as nonchalant as possible.
"Ello then, I see, thank you I think she is too." He said in his Scottish accent and a smile that made you week in the knees. He talked and it's like velvet GHA I NEED to ruffle his hair, I NEED to or I'm gonna die! Well that's a little less graphic than Rose, but you know your gonna be doing that soon I'm guessing, if he asks the question will you please say yes, I like you. Um first of all tmi second I'm probably gonna be doing that soon yeah third I will if my brothers are ok with it. Ok and he wants to run his hands through your hair too, y'all are blowing me up with this sexual tension geez. Oi that's not nice, great now I'm talking like a Britt, not that there is anything wrong with that. It's alright but I swear you need to talk he's getting a bit well lovey if you know what I mean. Yes quite right.
"So, what are you doing here?" You ask.
"Hopefully I'll find a new companion." He says. "Say would you like to see my TARDIS." Yes, you know you do. Bwahahahahaha, if I didn't know that he was talking about you, that sounds very dirty I snorted. I see what your saying, come on I wanna show you around, I made you a bedroom already!
"Yes!" You exclaim. He walks you to the door and opens it you walk in. I know he wants me to say it I can feel it. I wanna say something he hasn't heard before though I wanna be different. Yeah I see what your saying, ask him if there's a library, he likes reading and pardon but I looked in your head and I know you love reading to. Nah it's cool and I like that.
"Does it have a library?" You ask cheekily.
"Yep." He says "that's different normally they all say-"
"It's bigger on the inside." You cut in.
I'll be honest if he runs his hand through his hair I'm gonna explode. Ugh that's gross! that's adorable I just imagined you with a huge frowny face. I saw, that is kinda cute., oh go down that corridor and to the left that's your room. Ok thanks!
"So, the TARDIS says I have a room down that way, wanna check it out?" You ask.
"Y-yeah," he says a light pink dust on his cheeks. What did you say? Ummmmmmmmm nothing? Nice try, come now what did you say? Let's just say he's gonna ask you to travel with him and I may or may not have made a dirty joke. Stop! my stomach hurts from holding In all of this laughter. Oh by the way can you get me some clothes in my new wardrobe? Yep what style are we thinking? Um anything he likes but nothing that looks like something Rose would wear I don't wanna pour hand sanitizer in a paper cut. Huh, that's a new one, anyway sounds good yeah.
"Here it is!" You exclaim and looked at the Doctor whose blush had deepened he now looked like an embarrassed tomato. What on earth did you say now? I'll never tell!!! So what happens when I stroke the control panel? No! Don't you dare!! I'm on my way!!! You ran to the control room laughing your head off and the doctor smirked she's the one he thought. You ran to the control room and started caressing the buttons and switches. St,stop please, I can't take it any more, I'll tell him to run his hands through his hair. Fine, ugh your no fun. And after that you became the Doctors companion.
---------------back at the hotel----------------
"Ever feel like we're forgetting something?" Dean asks.
"Um not really." Sam answers.
"(Y/N)!!!!" They yell in unison.
/A/N/ so what do you think I know it's long but I'm in love with the 10th Doctor and I thought it would be cool to do a superwho so yeah but I'm not to proud of it (I think the TARDIS ships it) anyway comment, read, enjoy!!!! Byessssss

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