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/A/N/ so guys I'm ONE read away from 600 reads I'm so happeh so here's a requested superwholock hope y'all enjoy it'll be extra long for all my lovelies!!!! Thanks!! Enjoy!!!!
You were with your brothers in the airport heading for England. Bobby got a call saying that there was some 'paranormal activity' (no,,, well yes pun intended). So here you were comforting Dean with Sam. You couldn't believe he was scared of planes, he had gone after so many other really scary things. But no he was absolutely terrified of planes. You were handing Sam your carry ons to put in the cubbies above your head and Dean sat stubbornly in the middle. You sat at the window and Sam sat on the end. You were reading up on the activities going on in England while Sam was looking around for a motel to stay at, good luck with that we're gonna be in England. The plane began to take off and Dean was getting restless going on to Sammy and you about how many ways the plane could crash. You sighed and pulled your phone and headphones out of your pocket and played your music. You turned it up loud enough to drown out the very noisy squirrel beside you, while the moose tried and failed to calm him. So England, new land, new territory, it's all uncharted.
(/A/n/ super sorry this will be quick let's just say that Donna and Jack are with the 10th doctor. Don't know if that actually happened please cut me some slack bc Netflix took doctor who off when I was at the end of season two. *sigh* rose. Anyway back to the story.)
The Doctor sighed as Jack and Donna began arguing again in a full out sass war. He had received a message on his physic paper it was a cry for help. So on to 221b Baker Street otherwise known as his good friend Sherlock Holmes' "humble" home. He pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
"Space boy, we better be going somewhere with a five star spa. I need to relax after this stressfulness." She proclaimed as she gestured to Jack. His mouth was agape in shock.
    "Well you can drop me off at Torchwood after we find out why Doc here was summoned by his magic paper." Jack explained while sighing.
"Right well if you two could stop acting like children we could actually get somewhere." The Doctor replied successfully shutting them both up. For at least a little while bit. He made his way to the console while Donna lounged on the sofa like the Queen of Sheba. Jack just kept his distance from the fiery ginger, occasionally sending childish looks her way to which she returned promptly. The Doctor sighed for about the millionth time that day and began pressing and pushing and pulling the complicated buttons and leavers. Soon enough they would reach Sherlock and Donna would have a new bloke to have a sass war with and Jack could go off and flirt with the flowers or something.
(Hello again in this John isn't married kk I'm done!)
Sherlock groaned as he waited for his friend, what a strange think to actually call someone a friend. He let out another sound of annoyance.
"John, could you pass me that book please?" He asked.
"Sherlock the book is on your chair, your sitting on it. No get it yourself." John replied equally annoyed that The Doctor was late and he was having to deal with Sherlock in one of his moods. Mrs Hudson making tea and biscuits in anticipation for the visitors. Sherlock reluctantly reached under his arse and grabbed the book and began to read. John sighed again and hoping The Doctor showed soon he was getting quite bored.
The plane finally landed and Sam called Bobby to catch up. You helped Dean grab the luggage and started to head to the secret smuggling their hunting equipment. After they got the rest of their luggage Sam informed them that Bobby set up arrangements for them at 221b Baker Street. That booby knew who lived there and they knew they were coming. So off to hail a cab and to go to the infamous Sherlock Holmes flat.
"Change of plans John we have three extra people coming, hunters, friends of Bobby singer." Sherlock informed John and Mrs Hudson.
"Mrs Hudson would you mind if we used the flat above us for the hunters?" John asked politely.
"Sure dear, I'll put on some more tea." The landlady replied curtly.
"Thank you Mrs Hudson." John quickly answered.
"Anytime dear, just remember I'm not your maid I'm just the landlady." She replied.
"Finally we're here!" Donna sighed.
"Yes, freedom from Mrs chatter box." Jack said smugly.
"Quit arguing, Donna there is a smashing spa just two blocks down have fun, Jack there's a lovely garden down that way." The Doctor said as he pointed them in the right direction after locking the TARDIS doors.
"Not yet space boy, I want to see if Sherlock Holmes is as beautiful as they say." Donna said with her usual sassy flare. The Doctor ran a hand down his face.
"Alright then, Donna Noble your going to meet Sherlock Holmes." He said cheerfully.
"Just knock already." She said with an exasperated sigh.
The Doctor knocked lightly and heard sherlocks voice call to John to open the door that was probably right next to him. John opened the door and greeted The Doctor and Donna.
"Hello there, good to see you again Doctor, who's this then?" John asked politely.
"This is Donna Noble, Donna this is John Watson." The Doctor introduced.
"Hello Donna." John shook her hand.
"Hello John." She replied grasping his hand.
"Well then Sherlock is on the chair right there. Come on in. We are expecting three more guests, hunters sent by Bobby." He explained. The Doctor nodded understanding he knew what lied beneath the dark and he knew how potentially dangerous things were if hunters where being called. Donna just walked in like she owned the place as usual. The Doctor sighed as John closed the doors behind them.
"Hello then you must be Sherlock Holmes, I'm Donna Noble." She said full of confidence per usual.
"Hello," Sherlock replied coldly. "Why can't I read you?"
"Excuse me?" She asked looking at The Doctor for help.
"He looks at people and deduces about them through observation." The Doctor said.
"Mind dumbing that down for me space boy?" She asked revealing his embarrassing nick name.
"Space boy?" Sherlock asked with a grin.
"Shut up!" The Doctor replied, " it means that he can tell a lot about a person by things they do, wear, and look like."
"Oh, well then I have no idea." She said as an answer to Sherlocks question.
Just then the sound of knocking filled the air. Dean, Sam and you were standing out side the infamous 221b Baker Street. As soon as Dean knocked the door opened and Sam finished paying the cab driver.
"Hello Bobby Singer sent us, said you might have arrangements for us?" Dean said.
"Yeah you must be the three hunters come on in, you'll be staying in the flat above us." John replied. He showed them in and The Doctor became flustered at the mere sight of you. Sherlock took noticed and made a mental note to tease him about it later. Mrs Hudson came down with the tea and biscuits she prepared. Sam and Dean gave you their luggage as you and Donna went to unpack and leave the "men" to plan and figure out what the hell was going on.
/A/N/ so this is gonna be a two parter just for y'all because I love you guys! I know sucky cliff hanger. Scratch that less of a cliff hanger more of an 'to be continued' I'm rambling anyway. What did you think? I'll probably update part two tomorrow or Friday or somewhere between. So comment, read, and as always enjoy!!!! Byesssss!!!

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