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Mk so the picture just because I thought it was funny. I will update the superwholock part 5 (last part btw) this weekend. So enjoy my loves...
You and cas were in the living room with Popsicle sticks, feathers, glitter, confetti, glue guns, paint, tissue paper, and scissors. What were you doing? CRAFT TIME!!! You and your boys were taking the weekend off and you had gotten bored. So naturally you went snooping around, and found the mount Olympus of crafting supplies. You were currently trying to teach cas how to make those Popsicle stick boomerang blow up thingies(I'll show you later). He was slowly getting it and you were currently creating 'abstract art' by piling up the sticks with glue, feathers, sparkles, and the tissue paper. Your masterpiece was almost finished when all the sudden you hear a deep, "look! Look! (Y/n) I did it!! Look, look!" From Castiel. Nearly causing a heart attack from you.
"That's perfect Castiel, I'm proud to call you my bro!" You said kissing him on his cheek. He blushed from happiness. Dean soon came trudging down the hallway to the living room and did a double take at his girlfriend and his best friend making a mess with pink and feathers. He would have enjoyed the feathers part but in a very different circumstance. One that evolved you and him alone in his room... He shook his head to clear his thoughts and sat down next to you. Cas threw the boomerang at him and you laughed when it exploded on Deans chest. He just quirked an eyebrow and went with it. You soon explained what was going on and watched as cas tried to explain how to make the thingy majiger as Dean called it. You ended up on the floor clutching your stomach from laughter pains, tears streaming down your face as you pointed and laughed at Dean and his anger with the Popsicle sticks. At one point he had Castiel curse it and it's decedents in Enochian. That's when you lost it the first time. After hearing an uproar in laughing and cursing Kevin soon made his debut, he soon joined you in creating your masterpiece. Adding feathers here, gluing things there, and generally doing all you asked with a smile. After Dean had his most recent tantrum Kevin soon found the floor a better place to reside. He too clutching at his stomach. By now Sam was curious on the noise he heard from the living room. He walked out and started to snort watching Dean try and fail to make the Popsicle sticks do his bidding. Sam sat down with a very confused and frustrated Cas. Sam soon created the most perfect one you had seen so far of course he would. Now Dean was just plain mad. He was trying his hardest and they just wouldn't stay. Your stomach started to cramp from all of the laughter and with the few remaining snorts you started to work on your masterpiece again. After adding a few more feathers and tissue paper you decided it was complete. Sam and Kevin went to the kitchen to make or find more like dinner and Castiel eventually gave up on Dean and went to bed. You walked out from cleaning up the supplies covered in glitter glue and bits of tissue paper and feathers. You sat down beside Dean who for the love of Castiel was still trying to make the boomerang. You placed your hands on his and guided him.
"Lookie, lookie!!! I did it (y/n) I did it!!!" He almost yelled. You shushed him with your lips.
He smiled and you made a few more coming up with a master plan. After you and Dean( with your help) made about 30 of them you divided them into fifteen, fifteen for Sam and fifteen for Cas. Kevin needed sleep so you didn't mess with him. You were headed for cas and you saw Dean creep to the door of Sam's room. You both whisper shouted to 3 and jerked both doors open screaming CRAFT TIME and throwing the little Popsicle stick bombs all over them. You and Dean held hands running from the angry angel and moose on your tracks.
So I updated and it wasn't 5 days hehe! I was making the boomerangs with my brother and this kinda just came to me! Alright remember to read, comment, and as always enjoy! Byessssss!

 -------------------------------------------------------So I updated and it wasn't 5 days hehe! I was making the boomerangs with my brother and this kinda just came to me! Alright remember to read, comment, and as always enjoy! Byessssss!

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btw that's the boomerang and you don't use glue you can look it up on YouTube and it has a tutorial. But that's the thing you and Dean were making, when they impact with hard surfaces the explode essentially. That's all

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