Chapter 33 Weight and Mask

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Chapter 33 Weight and Mask

Blaise had been busy all morning, teleporting to all the sites where the Training Expeditions will be held. He had to check up on the area if it was isolated from humans then he set up some gadgets that can generate an invisible force field keeping humans out of the area. He was in some parts of South America, then he was teleported to Africa in the dessert next was Antarctica. He was then teleported to Papua New Guinea, to Mt. Everest, to some isolated islands around the Pacific, which is perfect for training. Blaise was glad he was done with what he had to do; now he was free to go check on Nina. He was then teleported back to Portus and he then went and took a shower and put on some pants and a shirt. He opened his door and Taylor was at the door with worry plastered all over his face.


~Blaise POV~

“What’s up Taylor, did you need anything?” I looked at him but it looked like he was debating whether to tell me something or not. “Just spill it, I don’t have time for this” I said a little annoyed, I’m not tired I just want to see Nina. I think I need some blood, I walked over to my cabinet and took out a wine bottle and told Taylor to come in. He was holding on to his tablet like he was hiding something.

I took out a soda from my frig and tossed it to him and he caught it. I took out a tall colored glass, it still freaks out Taylor when I drink blood in front of him. I poured the whole bottle into three cups and I started to drink.

I looked towards Taylor sitting on a couch “just tell me, it’s not like I’m gonna feed on you,” he looked a little nervous, “um, I think I should let you finish your meal before I tell you.” I shrugged my shoulders and I just drank. I felt my body coming alive again, technically I am but I’m not. People say Vampires are dead, they don’t have a heart beat and we look like the dead. To be more precise, the made ones are like that, but the born ones are a little different, we can survive in the sun because we are alive, we do have a heartbeat but it’s much slower than a human. We can stop aging if we want and we can go with weeks without blood but once in awhile we need human blood to keep us alive. I was on my last glass and I drank all of it to the last drop, I felt my senses becoming shaper and I walked towards Taylor.

 His heart rate was beating a bit fast, “Taylor, what’s going on?” Before he could answer my door was slammed opened and the Headmaster came in with Madeline. My door was slammed back and I was confused. I felt something tugging at my mind it must be Madeline, she was looking for something and I was just lost.

“Headmaster, he does not know about it. He knows of the incident at the dance but not this one,” she said with a monotone voice. The Headmaster just stood there, looking a bit distraught. He shook his head, “General Knight, report to me tomorrow with General Ryder we have some issues we need to discuss.” I nodded and they left, leaving me and Taylor; he handed me his tablet and I played a video.

“It has been sent to everyone here on Portus, I thought you knew but I guess she didn’t tell you,” I sat there watching a fight between girls, I recognized Crystal but the other girl she looks like Nina. They were in the custom made UFC cage; it was big enough to fit five grown werewolves. I just watch in silence, I didn’t know what to think, whether I’m worried, or fucking angry. She was laughing while she was being punched, I looked away “here Taylor I can’t watch this, what was she thinking, fighting Crystal is stupid.”

“Blaise just finish it,” and I just shook my head and kept on watching. I felt myself thinking about all of Nina’s moves, she was analyzing her opponent’s moves. She was testing how fast, she can punch and how hard the impact is. She was letting herself being punched as a puppet and giggling every time and it irritated Crystal making her scream in annoyance. Then Crystal started taunting her, calling her every name in the book. She started kicking her at her midsection and kneeing her in the stomach and face in a combination, Crystal is a good fighter.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2013 ⏰

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