Chapter 16 White

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Chapter 16 White

Zafrina carried Nina into the sky, "Are you afraid of heights Nina?"

"I don't think so; I like the feel of the wind on my face, its familiar to me," Zafrina just nodded her head, they could hear everyone on the beach making noises, "oh hush! She will be fine, no need to fret at me," Zafina had an annoyed face "What did they say?" asked Nina.

"Oh they think that it's dangerous that I took you away from them and told me to bring you back. A bunch of worried watts that lot" said Zafrina. They circled around Portus and Nina can see the whole island, she could see a tall building in the middle of the island that must be the school thought Nina. From the sky, Nina could see two same size buildings next to each side of the School and behind those buildings are two other small buildings. They must be dorms for us and the living quarters for the teachers here. Zafrina circled back to the beach and took one more run around the beach. Than something came out of the ocean, two heads, came out, make that five heads came out of the ocean.

"They are finally here, took them long enough," said Zafrina. Nina was puzzled; she didn't know what Zafrina meant until she came face to face with a five-headed Sea Serpent. Its head alone is bigger than Sabu and Shadow put together, it's long neck extended all the way up where Nina and Zafrina was at which was almost 30ft up in the air. Its white shiny scales sparkles in the moonlight, with horns sticking out of its head with webbings, Nina was just awe-struck and she started to laugh because she was amazed that such creature would be here.

" Nina, I know you can pick up on our feelings and can understand us but I have to say it, the Sea Serpents wants you to give it a name, that is if you want to." Nina looked up at Zafrina giving her a 'are you for real face, like seriously' she was so excited that she of all people can say that "Nessie lives and she has five heads...." She looked around and the Sea Serpents surrounded her and Zafrina in the air. "Hi there, my name is Nina, I am just so lucky to have met you guys, I spent so many times reading books about you and it feels like I'm in a dream, and I can't believe you are here." She laughed "if you guys want a name, it's going to be one for all of you, since you have one body, so all of you are together all the time. I have decided to call you guys Slyders."

"Put me down on one of the heads Rina, they like their name and wants me to ride them to the shore." Zafrina looked down at Nina smiling, Rina was her nickname her brothers and sister would call her. She smiled and slowly land Nina on one of Slyders head. "Be careful Nina, it's slippery on the heads" some of Slyders heads let out a gurgling sound which irritated Zafrina, "hush it serpent you were late, so you" the heads let out low growl "I know your name is Slyders now...." Nina was listening in on their little spats "that's enough, I'm okay, we just need to go to the shore where everyone is at, now lets go Slyders."

Some of Slyders heads went underwater to wither their heads to the shore, while the other one was slowly reaching the water, he didn't want Nina to fall of his head. When they were almost to the shore something happened to Nina, she wasn't holding on anymore, she fell in the ocean.

One of Slyders' head caught Nina as she fell in the water. Zafrina and Yara were there in an instant. Slyders was making some weird noise that sounded like Godzilla, Yara was saying something but it came out sounding more like a song. On the shore, Sabu and Shadow were barking and roaring. Zafrina was the first to yell, "stop it everyone we have to get Lady Nina to the shore. " Slyders was moving closer to the shore and Zafrina lifted her off his his head and onto the sand.

Zafrina can hear what Slyders was thinking, "what do you mean she doesn't know, I know she fainted." Nina didn't know that by naming them, they are bound to her as her protectors, second to her companion who would soon show itself. Zafrina was still listening to what Slyders was thinking, "yes I know, we must take her somewhere she can sleep." Yara was singing to Zafrina that the mud man can take her to that place," Zafrina was thinking the same thing.

She asked Slyders to spit some water on his face to wake him up.

~Knight POV~

I felt like a ton of water was poured over my body and I stoop up snarling crouching down with my fangs out. Than it hit me, I'm in the Forbidden Forest, surrounded by creatures who can eat me, because here I am not a vampire, I am human. Ugh! Can this be any more difficult; oh! Shit! I stood there frozen like a fool at the scene before me.

A freaking huge sea serpent with five heads where in the air, the troll, Cerberus and the Chimera was there standing on their feet, with the siren and a woman with wings holding a girl, they were all looking at her. I didn't know I was slowly backing away and I fell down, freaking sand than all eyes were on me.

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