Chapter 25 Training Center

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Chapter 25 Training Center

General Ryder was the first to get to the door; he looked behind him and saw the twins walking like they were not late at all. He stood by the door and waited till they got to the door "You know how hard it is to run in heels, I almost got one of my heels stuck in those tiny holes in the pavement," Uila roared at Ryder as they got closer. He just brushed his hair back trying to hide how he regretted making her run. Once the twins was next to him "should I meet you at the beach tonight or ah-."

"No, you can meet us at our building when it gets dark and we'll all walk there together," Nina answered not even looking at him. While her sister leaned on her trying to relieve the pain on her foot, he felt bad though "um! About making you run, sorry about that, w-"

"If I recall correctly, you don't give out apologies so easily, General Ryder," Madeline said as she stood in the open door. "You are late; everyone is stretched and ready for the Endurance Test. Go on now, I will update the twins" Madeline gestured for him to go and he looked towards Uila with a guilty face then went in.

"Ah! Madeline is it?" Nina asked, "Please call me Maddie" she replied back with a smile Nina just nodded. "Maddie, aren't we late?"

"Yes, but don't worry I will administer your Endurance Test, since you need time to change and stretch your muscles. Come follow me." They all walked in and headed for the elevators, "All school buildings in Portus have elevators except for the dorms and the apartments." The twins nodded " the Training Center or T.C for short is like a big fitness building, on the first floor we have everything you would need in a gym, treadmills, weights and all sorts, on the second floor we have a basketball court, tennis court, volleyball court, you name it. The third floor you have everything you need if you're into gymnastics, as well as fencing. Fourth floor we have the boxing rings and a bigger version of a UFC cage, well the boys here love it. Here we are at the fifth floor our stop."

The twins stepped out and followed Maddie she opened the door and they all walked in, the twins looked around and were just blown away. The fifth floor looked like a mini version of an Olympic stadium, the track and field aspect with a roof, all the equipment is there. The twins were amazed at how cool it looks; Maddie had to shake the twins out of their trance and showed them were they should change.

"On the shelf you will find what you need, so change and meet me outside when you're done" Maddie left the twins to change.

"I am not wearing this, its pink and it looks like booty shorts to me," Nina said making a disgusted face and throwing the short back on the shelf "I don't get it, what's with these sport shoes, they are either pink or neon green, not all girls like pink."

"Oh come on Nina, it's not that bad, see," Uila twirled in a circle with her short sleeved white shirt, pink shorts, with pink sport shoes. "Uila, that piece of cloth can hardly cover your ass, it looks wrong." Uila frowned at her comment but walked towards the full length mirror to see for herself "oh my! They look more like boy short underwear to me, blegck! Well we don't really have anything else to wear," she whined. "Wait here Uila, I'll go to the boys next door to get some pants for us" Nina said and she walked out.

A few minutes passed and she came back and she threw a black jersey shorts and a white tank top at Uila. "Well, at least this doesn't show my butt, what's the tank top for?"

"Wear it inside your shirt, unless you want the world to know what color your bra is?" Uila thought about it then she changed her shorts wearing the tank inside her shirt. She looked over to her sister while she took off her School Sucks shirt, under that she had two layers of tank top and a elbow length tight shirt, she took off her dickies shorts revealing black grim reaper boxers and Uila started to laugh and pointed at her boxers.

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