Chapter 32 Muay Thai Bags

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Chapter 32 Muay Thai Bags

~Unknown POV~

It’s been three years since I’ve been here on Portus; I can’t contact family, friends or anybody I knew before I came here. To be more exact I was transported here by some General. It was bearable at first but it took time getting use to the whole supernatural idea. The classes here are somewhat the same but more intense than what I use to take back home.

I’ve come to know and understand that all of us here are descendants of the creatures that we are; we may not look like the originals but we did inherit their strength and power. The Endurance and Combat classes are the only things I look forward to, especially when we have Training Expeditions back in the human realm.

There had been rumors going around about what happened at the dance, about some new comer picking a fight with Crystal. Who in hell would pick a fight with that girl; she’s a freaking beast. She’s hot, with that nice ass but she’s too obsessive. I feel sorry for her last boyfriend, they didn’t even last a day, no one knows what really happened and now she’s got her sight set on some General.

Shit! Its past 12, I have to meet Tony at the T.C., he’s my buddy since I got here. We hit the gym two hours every day because I was a bit skinny back in the day and now I have a six pack. It was tough getting this body but I did it and I want it to stay like this.  I got up from my bed and got ready; living in the dorms here was okay, all I need is a bed; besides I spend most of my time at the T.C.

I got to the T.C. and I walked in and Tony was already running on one of the treadmills. I stretched for a few minutes and I got onto the treadmill next to Tony and start on my 1-mile run.

“Your late, again,” he said “yeah, yeah.”

We did our mile run and we walked towards the punching bag area, I worked my way up from the 70lbs MMA Heavy bags to the 100lbs now I’m at 300lbs while using my strength. The heaviest we’ve got is a 800 lbs UFC Muay Thai Bag it was custom made, it’s huge and it’s 7’ tall, perfect for training and fighting. I tried moving it with my strongest punch but I broke my wrist instead, I had to go the infirmary right after, I wasn’t the only one, me and Tony tried to hit it but it didn’t even move instead we got hurt. So we decided to go back to the 300lbs heavy bags; at least it kind of moves a little. My goal is to make it swing with just one punch but it hasn’t happened yet.

We walked in and there was no one, it’s Monday afternoon no one would be here, they would rather be sleeping or enjoying the weekend before the cycle begins again tomorrow. I am looking forward to the Training Expedition to Africa.

I started to wrap my hands when I heard something, “I think someone’s here already,” I looked towards Tony, he was wrapping his hands “nah, it’s usually empty on Mondays.” Yeah, he’s right, I finished wrapping my hands, I slowly walked towards a bunch of bunching bags. The bunching bags were arranged in lines but with big spaces in between them from the lightest to the heaviest, so all the heavy ones are all in the back.  I looked for the 300lbs one, but I saw some dude going through all the heavy bags, like he’s testing them. Tony walked towards me and I pointed at the person a few yards ahead of me, he was standing and hugging the bag. I didn’t see what he looked like; he was wearing black Nike jersey pants, black Nike shoes and a grey long sleeved hoodie and his hands were covered with a black handwarp, it looks like its thicker than normal. His back was towards me, he stood in front of the 300lbs bag, he was hugging it and stood in a stance and he punched the bag. The bag swung back and forth like it was light as a feather, Damn this dude is good. I have to punch countless time just get it to swing a little but compared to that, it’s nothing. I looked towards Tony and I knew he thought the same thing.

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