Chapter 1 Fresh Meat

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 Picture of Aiden Kingsley



Chapter One

"Nina wake up! its pass 7"

 "ugh….sshhhh stop"

"wake up wake up! come on!"

" Ugh! Uila stop pls I’m still sleepy…mmm" Nina went back to sleep. While Uila storms off and brought a cup of cold water. She slowly crept up behind Nina on her bed and dumps the cold water on the sleeping Nina. Waiting for Nina to scream, there was no sound than Uila thought ‘oh no!’ she turned and cold water was splashed on her face instead.

"Hahahahah!!....thats what you get Uila hahaha…wait let me take a photo…hehehehehe.." takes out her Samsung Galaxy phone and took a picture of Uila still standing with her hair drench and her mouth open.

"NINA! WHY YOU!...UUUGGGHHH!...." Uila storms off outside furious with what happened, slammed the door to her room and screamed so loud.  "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

“GIRLS DOWN HERE NOW” a voice from downstairs came. Both girls thought 'ah dammit' as they both storm down the stairs they both stood at the start of the travertine kitchen floor.

At the kitchen stood the twins dad, a very handsome man in his late 30s about 6'5, with dark brown hair cut in a short slick way, light brown eyes with a hint of green, distinct features, very fit for his age and a killer smile that would melt any cold hearted woman. He was looking through his folder of papers in front of him on the counter; he was wearing his Class A Uniform with his Lieutenant Colonel silver badge. He looks harmless like your typical average man but with his fierce stare and dangerous hand to hand combat skills he can out rank any assassin in his age; no wonder he climbed the corporate latter so fast. He turned and looks towards his daughters, one was folding her arms looking very angry, while the other was looking up on the ceiling and yawning as if nothing had happened.

He sighed and thought ‘My they sure have grown’ than he said "Girls!"

Uila was first to burst out yelling out how Nina poured freezing cold water on her early in the morning, than Nina just said plainly that Uila started it, this made Uila angry and the twins started yelling at each other.

"Enough" shouted their dad both girls stopped yelling and turned away from each other.

"If you two don’t make nice I won’t let you leave the base……."

When the twins heard the words ‘leave the base’ they both screamed “kyaaaaa!..Dad are ok! Ok!..see!!...No harm, No foul…… When can we leave?”

"OK now that’s settled, you both still have home school until 2, than you can leave, not without Keahlani, make sure your back on base by 9! Understand"

The twins nod their heads in unison still excited about leaving Fort Shafter Base, they both thought ;ooohhhh Freeedommm…yes’ their dad stood up, hugged his daughters and placed a kiss on their foreheads.

The front door opened and Keahlani the twin’s home school teacher came in and brought a soldier in his Field uniform that was still nervous to push the doorbell outside the house so Keahlani invited him in; they both came inside and Keahlani heard something from the kitchen, she thought ‘the twins are up, oh dear I feel sorry for this soldier’ she whispered to the soldier “if you value your life I suggest you numb all your senses when you see the twins” The soldier just shrugged his soldiers as they both made way to the kitchen.

Upon seeing his superior officer the soldier stood at attention and shouted “Sir, I am here to escort you, Sir”

The twins Dad stood up straight from hugging his girls and turned to face the soldier, the soldier saluted and so did he.

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