Chapter 27 Blue Hawaii

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Picture of what the dress looks like, but without the crystals, there is also a video of the song.>>>>>

Chapter 27 Blue Hawaii

Tiki torches surround a small portion of the beach the twins were using, Taylor was the DJ, and Zafrina was setting up the food the twins brought in the duffle bag, she smiled when she saw a bunch of raw steak in the bag. While everyone was waiting, Sliders head were all lined up on the beach watching.

"Hi Everyone, I'm behalf of my sister and me we would like to thank you all for coming tonight to celebrate the life of Aiden Kingsley a beloved friend and a loving father." Uila got the picture from her closet the same one in Nina's. Uila let it stand in the sand and started to talk again.

Uila explained where and when their dad was born, telling everything to the best of her knowledge. Then she got to explain what he was like, his personality.

"Our dad is very over protective, we had to be homeschooled when we were ten, right when he got deployed to Kuwait for 4 years. It was a hard time for him but he always manage to call us when he can. Our dad also has a really bad temper. Um! Every time a new soldier comes to our house on base, we would play a prank, on them I won't say the details but he, he did something I don't even think it can be done or allowed at all in the army. He is also very attentive to me and my sister, he knows what we like and what we don't like, he buys us clothes and he even buys my sisters favorite boxer brief brand. Hehehehe! *coughs* ah! Sorry Nina. Um! Our dad is very demanding, when he was in Kuwait, he wanted us to get into sports, as much as me and Nina didn't want to, but he compromised by letting us to choose which sport we want. It was fun while it lasted, but all in all we both wanted out dad to by proud of us." Uila motioned for Nina to talk it was her turn.

"Ah! Yes! Dad also wanted us to learn the culture of Hawaii, we didn't join any dancing group but our homeschooled teacher Keahlani taught us all about it and we both loved it. I know in my heart that he loved us more than himself and he always put us first in everything. Our dad loves music, I don't know about my sister but I love his music, from Motown to rap to rock and even r&b, there was a dance that he taught us, it was fun learning it. He is also a huge fan of the King, and we all know who the King is, Elvis Presley. He loved this one particular song, he said that it reminds him of someone but he never told us who, but me and my sister both know that it reminds him of our mother. Now as a treat to celebrating our dad's life me and my sister will now perform for you a hula we did for our dad when he came back from Kuwait. It's called 'Blue Hawaii.'"

That was Taylor's cue to play the song.

(Hula is a form of dance in the Hawaiian Islands)

The twins swayed their hips to the rhythm of the beat, their hand motion were forever poise and graceful as they dance under the blue moon on the sand with crashing waves, just for their dad.

Once the dance was done, everyone clapped and cheered, while the others howl and roared with approval. The twins just smiled, glad that everyone enjoyed it.

"Okay now, is food time, we didn't really have time to really cook anything we just brought, rice, sweet and sour chicken, with some vegetables also some ham and cheese sandwiches with some chips; we also have water and juice. Don't worry I also brought some raw meat. There are plates and forks on the blanket too. Please enjoy," Nina said after their dance.

Everyone made their way to the blanket that had all the food; they were all in a container so the sand doesn't get into them. Zafrina was in charge of giving out the raw meat; the twins looked and saw that everyone was eating their food. Nina on the other hand was looking at Ryder, she walked to him because he was the only one not eating. Zafrina and Blaise froze when Nina was sitting next to Ryder talking to him.

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